Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.

We need a general tweet of the day thread



  • Sledog
    Sledog Member Posts: 31,719
    Maybe we need more smear the queer.
  • Sledog
    Sledog Member Posts: 31,719
  • WestlinnDuck
    WestlinnDuck Member Posts: 14,411 Standard Supporter
    The dementia patient and the cock sucker. Geezus.


    Kamala "Heels-Up" Harris Suggests That Ukraine Is Part of NATO
    Someone Failed to Position Her For Success Again.

    Before getting to that, I have to direct your attention to an even more egregious video of Kamala's stunning unpreparedness.

    I missed this clip of her babbling in a bilateral press conference with the President of Romania. Here, she is asked -- addressed as "Mrs. Vice President" -- about US gas prices and what the Biden Administration would say to Americans about it. And this question is posed in English.

    Kamala Harris turns to the president of Romania and bizarrely pleads with him to answer the question.

    Then, when he declines to answer about US gas prices or what the Biden Administration would tell Americans about them -- because he's the president of Romania -- she begins reading off her notes about... what she talked with the president of Romania about.

    This is what she said instead of answering the question:

    Harris immediately looked to Iohannis to which he pointed back at her to take the question. She paused for a moment and responded, "In terms of the discussions that the president Iohannis and I had, they ranged in subject including the issue of the Black Sea and I'll let him explain in more detail as he would like."
    Again at the end she directs the question to President Iohannis! Again she says, "Ask the more capable man for the details of the homework assignment I didn't do."

    This really is inexcusable. She is everything the press said that Dan Quayle was, and worse.

    Below, Harris suggests that Ukraine is part of NATO.

  • MikeDamone
    MikeDamone Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 37,781 Swaye's Wigwam
  • WestlinnDuck
    WestlinnDuck Member Posts: 14,411 Standard Supporter

    Marxists hate the gays though
    Atlanta was not moral enough to hold the All Star game, but Russia and the Chicoms can hold the Olympics (Russia is more a corrupt fascist state versus China's pretend commie theftocracy). The toss in Qatar, noted lover of the gays, is hosting the World Cup. You can't spell leftard without "hypocrisy".
  • MikeDamone
    MikeDamone Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 37,781 Swaye's Wigwam
    Sources said:

    YOUR children can say whatever the fuck they want in your home.

    Fuck the FUCK off trying to make other children say what you say in the privacy of your own home in taxpayer financed institutions.


    Parody account
  • 46XiJCAB
    46XiJCAB Member Posts: 20,967

    Sources said:

    YOUR children can say whatever the fuck they want in your home.

    Fuck the FUCK off trying to make other children say what you say in the privacy of your own home in taxpayer financed institutions.


    Parody account
    She should have went with "Mia Lesby" But that may have been too obvious. She cracks me up.
  • WestlinnDuck
    WestlinnDuck Member Posts: 14,411 Standard Supporter
    Apparently shooting a white girl trying to stab to death a black girl would have been a good shooting. However, a white cop shooting a black girl who was trying to stab to death another black girl was just a cop looking to fill his hunting tag for black women.


    A jury refused to indict the officer who shot the black girl who was in the process of stabbing another black girl. Jonathan Turley notes the leftwing media once again sprang into action to defame this man.

    I wrote earlier that I believed that the shooting was justified under departmental rules and legal precedent. Nevertheless, the shooting of the teenager was decried as murder in the media. "The View" co-host Joy Behar insisted that, when the officer saw Bryant moving to stab another girl, he should have shot in the air. The grand jury clearly disagreed and refused to indict Officer Nicholas Reardon.
    At the time of the shooting, various media outlets like NPR posted misleading accounts of the shooting, which fueled anger in the city. (NPR later corrected its original account):

    The Daily Beast also ran misleading coverage, including a quote from "local Columbus activist K.C. Taynor of Exodus Nation" that "the latest police killing made it impossible to celebrate the Chauvin verdict. It's another murder. They're animals. They treat us like animals."

    Such hair-triggered coverage has become the norm where public anger is fueled by false accounts or claims by media, including the Rittenhouse case and Sandmann controversy where the subjects later sued the media.

    As we previously discussed, politicians and commentators often have a distorted view of the standard and realities in these cases. President Biden has long maintained that police officers should shoot armed suspects in the leg. However, there is a reason why police manuals do not say "aim for the leg" or "try to shoot the weapon out of the suspect's hand." It is called "imminent harm," the standard governing all police shootings. The fact that many of us describe such shootings as "justified" is not to belittle these tragedies but to recognize the underlying exigencies that control the use of lethal force.
  • MikeDamone
    MikeDamone Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 37,781 Swaye's Wigwam

    Apparently shooting a white girl trying to stab to death a black girl would have been a good shooting. However, a white cop shooting a black girl who was trying to stab to death another black girl was just a cop looking to fill his hunting tag for black women.


    A jury refused to indict the officer who shot the black girl who was in the process of stabbing another black girl. Jonathan Turley notes the leftwing media once again sprang into action to defame this man.

    I wrote earlier that I believed that the shooting was justified under departmental rules and legal precedent. Nevertheless, the shooting of the teenager was decried as murder in the media. "The View" co-host Joy Behar insisted that, when the officer saw Bryant moving to stab another girl, he should have shot in the air. The grand jury clearly disagreed and refused to indict Officer Nicholas Reardon.
    At the time of the shooting, various media outlets like NPR posted misleading accounts of the shooting, which fueled anger in the city. (NPR later corrected its original account):

    The Daily Beast also ran misleading coverage, including a quote from "local Columbus activist K.C. Taynor of Exodus Nation" that "the latest police killing made it impossible to celebrate the Chauvin verdict. It's another murder. They're animals. They treat us like animals."

    Such hair-triggered coverage has become the norm where public anger is fueled by false accounts or claims by media, including the Rittenhouse case and Sandmann controversy where the subjects later sued the media.

    As we previously discussed, politicians and commentators often have a distorted view of the standard and realities in these cases. President Biden has long maintained that police officers should shoot armed suspects in the leg. However, there is a reason why police manuals do not say "aim for the leg" or "try to shoot the weapon out of the suspect's hand." It is called "imminent harm," the standard governing all police shootings. The fact that many of us describe such shootings as "justified" is not to belittle these tragedies but to recognize the underlying exigencies that control the use of lethal force.

    Behar is a dumb cunt. Do people listen to her?
  • 46XiJCAB
    46XiJCAB Member Posts: 20,967
    edited March 2022

    Apparently shooting a white girl trying to stab to death a black girl would have been a good shooting. However, a white cop shooting a black girl who was trying to stab to death another black girl was just a cop looking to fill his hunting tag for black women.


    A jury refused to indict the officer who shot the black girl who was in the process of stabbing another black girl. Jonathan Turley notes the leftwing media once again sprang into action to defame this man.

    I wrote earlier that I believed that the shooting was justified under departmental rules and legal precedent. Nevertheless, the shooting of the teenager was decried as murder in the media. "The View" co-host Joy Behar insisted that, when the officer saw Bryant moving to stab another girl, he should have shot in the air. The grand jury clearly disagreed and refused to indict Officer Nicholas Reardon.
    At the time of the shooting, various media outlets like NPR posted misleading accounts of the shooting, which fueled anger in the city. (NPR later corrected its original account):

    The Daily Beast also ran misleading coverage, including a quote from "local Columbus activist K.C. Taynor of Exodus Nation" that "the latest police killing made it impossible to celebrate the Chauvin verdict. It's another murder. They're animals. They treat us like animals."

    Such hair-triggered coverage has become the norm where public anger is fueled by false accounts or claims by media, including the Rittenhouse case and Sandmann controversy where the subjects later sued the media.

    As we previously discussed, politicians and commentators often have a distorted view of the standard and realities in these cases. President Biden has long maintained that police officers should shoot armed suspects in the leg. However, there is a reason why police manuals do not say "aim for the leg" or "try to shoot the weapon out of the suspect's hand." It is called "imminent harm," the standard governing all police shootings. The fact that many of us describe such shootings as "justified" is not to belittle these tragedies but to recognize the underlying exigencies that control the use of lethal force.

    Behar is a dumb cunt. Do people listen to her?
    Yes, the stupid White suburban Karen's that gave us Joey. They think she tells the truth. Along with the rest of the cows on that shitshow.
  • Sledog
    Sledog Member Posts: 31,719
  • SFGbob
    SFGbob Member Posts: 31,923 Standard Supporter
    It's happening because of gun violence and white racsim and if you disagree with that you're just not a forward and progressive thinker.
  • RaceBannon
    RaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,657 Swaye's Wigwam
    SFGbob said:

    It's happening because of gun violence and white racsim and if you disagree with that you're just not a forward and progressive thinker.
    Lot of China flu replies as well

    Guy is a Trump voter
  • WestlinnDuck
    WestlinnDuck Member Posts: 14,411 Standard Supporter
    SFGbob said:
    It's amazing how much love the chicoms get from the American left and how much they hate Trump. So, Trump is the authoritarian (no evidence) and colluded with the Russians (no evidence, and evidence ignored that it was the PIPS' campaign that colluded) is to blame for some thug assaulting someone who had nothing to do with the chicom crud. Sure.