I was listening to Armstrong and Getty the day after this questioning (Joe Getty was gone and he's the smart one) and both Jack Armstong and one of the producers truly believed Gomhert was being serious. How fucking bad at your job are you when you get paid to know who this man is, what he believes and why he was asking these questions? It just proves how fucking ignorant the American public are.
I imagine if this guy had used a certain N-word, that it would have been reported by the New York Times. But it's OK if the crackhead son of the current president did it.
Crackheads who have sex with their nieces lives matter too you know.
Go close the fucking border, Cho Bai Den.
If Kristi wants it, she'll accompany Trump to the border at the end of June. And THEN go back to S. Dakota and light off M80's and sparklers.