Cruz is a great example of the need for term limits. He is now on his second term and decided he needed to represent DC rather than Texas. Same thing happened with Texas Congressman Tom Delay who went from Texas conservative fire brand to claiming that federal spending had been cut to the bone. Oh, and move the nation's capital to Kansas.
ROGER KIMBALL: What was Ted Cruz thinking? “I do believe that Tucker Carlson was right when he observed that no one chooses his words more carefully than Ted Cruz. He must have known what the rhetorical effect of his words would be. I suspect he now rues what he said. But that does not excuse it. I wish he hadn’t given such aid and comfort to the people posing the real threat to what Nancy Pelosi likes to call ‘our democracy.’”
Remember when Pelosi released all the capitol video to the American public? Me neither. Must be some pretty bad sh*t on video that reflects very badly on Pelosi, the Capitol police and the FBI and antifa.
Remember when Pelosi released all the capitol video to the American public? Me neither. Must be some pretty bad sh*t on video that reflects very badly on Pelosi, the Capitol police and the FBI and antifa.
As we see here daily, liberals lie and they love being lied to. What other conclusion can you draw when they refuse to tell us how many Federal agents were in the Jan. 6th crowd, that Sicknic was murdered by people hitting him over the head with a fire extinguisher, all while refusing to release all of the video from that day.
If it were bad for the Republicans all of it would have been released immediately.
Talk about losing tour democracy! Why weren't these women shot? A conservative women was....
ROGER KIMBALL: What was Ted Cruz thinking? “I do believe that Tucker Carlson was right when he observed that no one chooses his words more carefully than Ted Cruz. He must have known what the rhetorical effect of his words would be. I suspect he now rues what he said. But that does not excuse it. I wish he hadn’t given such aid and comfort to the people posing the real threat to what Nancy Pelosi likes to call ‘our democracy.’”
The twitters is en Fuego today. Must have given the shill fact checkers the day off
Or there’s some serious misdirection going on.
If it were bad for the Republicans all of it would have been released immediately.
It would explain how outrageous retarded they are.