You bedwetters are as funny as the covid bedwetters are. Pussies are pussies - you guys are just different pussies.
Translation: I'm too fucking stupid to comment on anything that was said in the video, so I'll just call you "bedwetters" and "pussies."
Cue Flea's Kunt act.
Bedwetting pussy heard from. "Ooooh, flea isn't scared of the scary video like I am, so he's a cunt with a k."
Run and hide, Gaybob. The world is too scary for you.
Called it. I didn't say anything about being "scared." I said you're a lightweight and fucking moron and you lack the ability and intellect to comment intelligently on most all topics.
You bedwetters are as funny as the covid bedwetters are. Pussies are pussies - you guys are just different pussies.
Translation: I'm too fucking stupid to comment on anything that was said in the video, so I'll just call you "bedwetters" and "pussies."
Cue Flea's Kunt act.
Bedwetting pussy heard from. "Ooooh, flea isn't scared of the scary video like I am, so he's a cunt with a k."
Run and hide, Gaybob. The world is too scary for you.
Called it. I didn't say anything about being "scared." I said you're a lightweight and fucking moron and you lack the ability and intellect to comment intelligently on most all topics.
Now cue the Flea Kunt act take 2.
You didn't have to say anything, stupid, I can see your fear every time you post. You've have to be way scared to post 700 times a month. Either that, or you're just a waste of skin who ignores his family and career in favor of posting 700 times a month in the Tug.
Take your pick, Gaybob. Either way, you fucking suck.
I got through half of the interview. The poont that needs to be sung from the mountaintop is that CV is in fact treatable. That its treatability is being covered up is criminal. Seriously criminal.
People wonder why trust in government and media is at an all time low.
Listen to Fauci and get your vaccine.
Pussies are pussies - you guys are just different pussies.
Cue Flea's Kunt act.
Run and hide, Gaybob. The world is too scary for you.
Now cue the Flea Kunt act take 2.
Take your pick, Gaybob. Either way, you fucking suck.
You fucking losers fag out this bored so much it's pitiful. Don't you dipshits have your own Duckfag political bored you can fag out?
People wonder why trust in government and media is at an all time low.
Still a few grains left in there, Sally. Better grab the hose again.
Marvin Boggs and OKB the same person?