Never in my life could I imagine the United States having a president so utterly and completely incapable of doing the job, physically or mentally. It’s an absolute fucking embarrassment.
@MelloDawg you downvoted his post. Are you suggesting that there is nothing mentally wrong with Biden?
It was more a questioning of his absolute statement of “utterly incapable.”
Are you a caregiver in Memory care? Serious question.
If not, you should visit a few memory care centers.
Any one who has experience dealing with aging parents with memory issues spots this debacle a minute into any of Cho Bai Den's talks. Dude is in early dementia/Alzheimer's if not farther than that.
Yet shills like faggot Ostrich Boy @MelloDawg and King TDS sufferer @Rubberfist are still indoctrinated with mean orange man. He's gone and so are his mean tweets.
You voted for this clown. Man up and take your medicine - this shitshow is all on the leftists' watch. Or more likely, of their purposeful making.
I don’t recall saying I voted for Joe Biden, that’s the weird thing.
Anyway, it’s clear how he’s been diagnosed by this bored and by others. Think about it though, imagine losing to a guy like that.
Never in my life could I imagine the United States having a president so utterly and completely incapable of doing the job, physically or mentally. It’s an absolute fucking embarrassment.
@MelloDawg you downvoted his post. Are you suggesting that there is nothing mentally wrong with Biden?
It was more a questioning of his absolute statement of “utterly incapable.”
Are you a caregiver in Memory care? Serious question.
If not, you should visit a few memory care centers.
Any one who has experience dealing with aging parents with memory issues spots this debacle a minute into any of Cho Bai Den's talks. Dude is in early dementia/Alzheimer's if not farther than that.
Yet shills like faggot Ostrich Boy @MelloDawg and King TDS sufferer @Rubberfist are still indoctrinated with mean orange man. He's gone and so are his mean tweets.
You voted for this clown. Man up and take your medicine - this shitshow is all on the leftists' watch. Or more likely, of their purposeful making.
I don’t recall saying I voted for Joe Biden, that’s the weird thing.
Anyway, it’s clear how he’s been diagnosed by this bored and by others. Think about it though, imagine losing to a guy like that.
Never in my life could I imagine the United States having a president so utterly and completely incapable of doing the job, physically or mentally. It’s an absolute fucking embarrassment.
@MelloDawg you downvoted his post. Are you suggesting that there is nothing mentally wrong with Biden?
It was more a questioning of his absolute statement of “utterly incapable.”
Are you a caregiver in Memory care? Serious question.
If not, you should visit a few memory care centers.
Any one who has experience dealing with aging parents with memory issues spots this debacle a minute into any of Cho Bai Den's talks. Dude is in early dementia/Alzheimer's if not farther than that.
Yet shills like faggot Ostrich Boy @MelloDawg and King TDS sufferer @Rubberfist are still indoctrinated with mean orange man. He's gone and so are his mean tweets.
You voted for this clown. Man up and take your medicine - this shitshow is all on the leftists' watch. Or more likely, of their purposeful making.
I don’t recall saying I voted for Joe Biden, that’s the weird thing.
Anyway, it’s clear how he’s been diagnosed by this bored and by others. Think about it though, imagine losing to a guy like that.