I got some Percocet when I got my wisdom teeth out. Made me nauseous so I didn't use em. Was gonna sell them to my aunt one day so when she called to pick them up I couldnt find them. My roommate is like are you serious? I sold that shit months ago? What, you thought I paid for all the booze we drank?
Most people won't become addicted. Some people even become nauseated by these drugs. But for those with the unlucky genetics (ballpark 10% of the population), they are life altering.
I was more a valium kind of guy - but just two years ago they gave me oxy after shoulder surgery - one week and stopped that crap (which was about 4 days too late) hydrocodone is what I use - prescription gives me 20 once a year - I am kind of abusive when it comes to drugs.
must admit I have used lots of drugs - legal and illegal, but coke and smack was a one time better not do that again. That is life and death in south Seattle when you are young- some stop some don't
I had to take percocet when I tore my knee and got an ear and Mrsa infection... I was a mess lol that stuff saved me, but also got me.fired from my job as I was high while working and not my best. But as a branch manager I didn't have a choice. Worked out though, went back to my former employer and had a great career until I got burned out. Be careful of that stuff!
Part 2 update - even more infuriating that part 1. Doc does a great job of laying out the supply chain of prescription opioids (shoutout @Logistics) and highlights the DEAs successful efforts to block negligent and greedy distributors from flooding the market with painkillers.
Enter Reps Marsha Blackburn and Tom Marino, who are spoonfed a bill by big pharma to stop the DEA and allow the distributors to continue to fill absurd pharmacy orders that are beyond the pale of reason, all under the guise of "patient access". Despite dogged protest from the DEA brass on the case, the bill gets nearly unanimous bipartisan support from a sleepwalking congress and gets signed by Obama with almost no public controversy. No one from the DOJ, congress, or Obama ever answer for why they let this lobbyist-drafted bill sweep through. Trump gets elected. His first drug czar? Tom Marino.
Oxy and synthetic opiates are bad shit. Have known more than a couple friends who got sucked down that path.
The throbber flat out refuses to take them. Just not gonna deal with the temptation - and quite honestly, they don't do shit to me compared to smoking weed or getting fucked up drunk. So what's the point?
Easy to be a saint if you are never tempted. Maybe genetic, but I don't like being stoned. Either maryjane or oxy, percocet or vicodin. On the other hand, ethanol alcohol may be mankind's greatest invention.
You should probably sit this one out.
must admit I have used lots of drugs - legal and illegal, but coke and smack was a one time better not do that again. That is life and death in south Seattle when you are young- some stop some don't
Enter Reps Marsha Blackburn and Tom Marino, who are spoonfed a bill by big pharma to stop the DEA and allow the distributors to continue to fill absurd pharmacy orders that are beyond the pale of reason, all under the guise of "patient access". Despite dogged protest from the DEA brass on the case, the bill gets nearly unanimous bipartisan support from a sleepwalking congress and gets signed by Obama with almost no public controversy. No one from the DOJ, congress, or Obama ever answer for why they let this lobbyist-drafted bill sweep through. Trump gets elected. His first drug czar? Tom Marino.
The swamp is alive and well.