Being an evil scumbag landlord, i've had to remind tenants in Seattle that approximately $750 per month of their monthly rent goes toward the bonds and taxes they keep voting for. Not the mortgage, and not into my pocket.
Most times the blank look on their face was as if I was speaking Hungarian to them.
Now we have the fed, printing more dollars to buy the same or shrinking amounts of goods, and people are about to get fucked in the ass by a massive spike in cost-of-living and inflation.
Same number of goods being chased by evermore dollars causes inflation, folks. Always has, always will. Who can claim surprise?
You, young man, are nothing more than a working-bot ATM for government employees and the elite and super wealthy people you hate, but whom didn't drink the Kool-Aid and now own everything you don't.
Welcome to the future you voted for and sought, Masochist. Enjoy your Dystopian Dream.
Most times the blank look on their face was as if I was speaking Hungarian to them.
Now we have the fed, printing more dollars to buy the same or shrinking amounts of goods, and people are about to get fucked in the ass by a massive spike in cost-of-living and inflation.
Same number of goods being chased by evermore dollars causes inflation, folks. Always has, always will. Who can claim surprise?
Welcome to the future you voted for and sought, Masochist. Enjoy your Dystopian Dream.