Longer wait times to have surgery these days. Hospitals are losing staff nurses to private surgery centers because the pay is the same, but the call commitment is lessened. They’re spending too much time washing out infected arms and feet of IV drug users.
Downstream effect is less RNs to staff hospital ORs at places like Swedish and Virginia Mason. Less staff means reduced capacity for elective surgery.
Want your hip replaced or your hernia repaired? You’ll have to wait longer these days on average because our hospitals are struggling as much or more with staffing to care for junkies and their pussed-out arms as they are with handling CCP COVID patients.
Fuck you, Jay Chinslee. You faggot murderer.
Downstream effect is less RNs to staff hospital ORs at places like Swedish and Virginia Mason. Less staff means reduced capacity for elective surgery.
Want your hip replaced or your hernia repaired? You’ll have to wait longer these days on average because our hospitals are struggling as much or more with staffing to care for junkies and their pussed-out arms as they are with handling CCP COVID patients.
Are we having fun yet?
Fuck off as I like to say. I took care of it myself
Or like they say. I was right.