Agree. Liberals definitely seem to hate actual science and logical thought.
Sounds like what China has evolved into more than anything. Basically Orwell’s entire point that socialism is a step along the way to get to the end goal of fascism.
When I think of fascism I think of the Nazi's. And when I think of the Nazi's I think of their racism and bigotry. The left is full of racism and bigotry. The dem party and their low expectations for minorities is the worst kind of racism. When I think of Nazi's I think of Hitler Youth brigades beating, burning and falsely accusing people who were different than them of some made up atrocity. This is antifa and BLM in spades. I think of indoctrination, the mocking and condemnation of religion, the celebration of everyone thinking exactly alike and the willingness to ruin people, corporations and families that don't follow their party line. I think of the Nazi's invading the property and homes of innocent Germans, harassing innocent people who are different than they were when just walking down the street or eating on a sidewalk café. Everything I have just mentioned is the democrat party and their supporters. There is more. The Nazi's quickly usurped the police force in Germany. Exactly what the left is trying to do in many rat run cities across the nation. They immediately changed the educational curriculum to indoctrinate children, to force them to believe only in what they believed in. This is happening now in this country. The German press was all in. Just like they are here, today.
I don't like the Nazi comparison to anything in this country. Nazi's to me mean the death of millions. Jews being exterminated. We don't have that here at this time thank God although I do find it particularly evil and black hearted that rats don't care about blacks killing blacks. They only want to use the black population as a tool to get elected. That is seriously fucked up and racist. So I don't do the Nazi comparison lightly even in this instance. However, in the context of fascism and its commonalities with what is happening right now in this country, the comparison is warranted.
That group is talented and has a valuable perspective, no doubt. But that is also the group that has no problem printing money to achieve their own ends, which are often selfish.
Not sure you've read 1984 (I personally think you haven't) but that book was 100% about the individual, and abhorred the collective and troglodytes. The first third of the book focused on nothing else in fact.
Maybe he was a socialist, but he wouldn't stood for the last year of bullshit in any way.
It’s not “maybe”, he was a socialist.
If you ever let that into your tiny little brains, we might be able to do something. Instead, you’ll continue to call capitalists using capitalism to centralize power “communism”.
Orwell had what you’re looking for.
Capitalism is disappearing, but Socialism is not replacing it. What is now arising is a new kind of planned, centralised society which will be neither capitalist nor, in any accepted sense of the word, democratic. The rulers of this new society will be the people who effectively control the means of production: that is, business executives, technicians, bureaucrats and soldiers, lumped together by Burnham, under the name of ‘managers’. These people will eliminate the old capitalist class, crush the working class, and so organise society that all power and economic privilege remain in their own hands. Private property rights will be abolished, but common ownership will not be established. The new ‘managerial’ societies will not consist of a patchwork of small, independent states, but of great super-states grouped round the main industrial centres in Europe, Asia, and America. These super-states will fight among themselves for possession of the remaining uncaptured portions of the earth, but will probably be unable to conquer one another completely. Internally, each society will be hierarchical, with an aristocracy of talent at the top and a mass of semi-slaves at the bottom.
But as long as you insist on fighting the culture war and Medicare For All, you’re the problem.
He's just talking about crony capitalism here. Which I agree, that is a problem but not caused by capitalism itself.
He also had no way of knowing how current technology would affect all of this. Microsoft isn't preventing anyone from producing in the very technology they build and fund. As a matter of fact, they encourage it. It's free to anyone with an internet connection.
The last part of your quote sounds like it could eventually happen. But again, not because of capitalism.
We do have a controlled mass media. Every Hollywood late show guy is a liberal puppet. Hollywood doesn’t control 100% of the mass media but they do typically have the most power, influence, and reach.
Luckily, that shit is dying and on the web there are plenty of voices for each side.
Actually kind of sad.
I don't like the Nazi comparison to anything in this country. Nazi's to me mean the death of millions. Jews being exterminated. We don't have that here at this time thank God although I do find it particularly evil and black hearted that rats don't care about blacks killing blacks. They only want to use the black population as a tool to get elected. That is seriously fucked up and racist. So I don't do the Nazi comparison lightly even in this instance. However, in the context of fascism and its commonalities with what is happening right now in this country, the comparison is warranted.
He also had no way of knowing how current technology would affect all of this. Microsoft isn't preventing anyone from producing in the very technology they build and fund. As a matter of fact, they encourage it. It's free to anyone with an internet connection.
The last part of your quote sounds like it could eventually happen. But again, not because of capitalism.
Luckily, that shit is dying and on the web there are plenty of voices for each side.