Stop the war on drugs! the cartels use houses and illegals for everything. Maybe in your neighborhood.
Would there be cartels if it were legal?
Are there booze cartels?
Seattle has legalized drugs, for all intents and purposes. And we are living with the bad results, daily.
The reason legalization is a bad idea is because far too many people simply cannot regulate or tolerate their drug use, and wind up stealing and harming people to support their habits, and no, we don't owe them free rehab, free housing, or any other free shit.
They knew the risks and took them anyway.
Zero tolerance, zero sympathy. Fucks need to own their own shit. If they did, the world would be a better place, like it was when shit was illegal, prosecuted, and the pieces of shit who now camp in our parks and steal our catalytic converters by the dozen were off the street and in jail.
Does Jail "work" to rehabilitate and prepare people to re-enter society? Who gives a shit. They are scum and deserve what comes their way.
One more question: What has Holland or Portugal contributed to the world since legalizing drugs? There's your answer why they should be, and remain, illegal.
One more question: What has Holland or Portugal contributed to the world since legalizing drugs? There's your answer why they should be, and remain, illegal.
Let's not throw the baby out with the dutch water.....
One more question: What has Holland or Portugal contributed to the world since legalizing drugs? There's your answer why they should be, and remain, illegal.
Defund the Police !!!!!11111!!!!!!1111!!111!!!!111!!!!
Defund the police. It's helpful for criminals and democrat (communist) goals. Forward Morons!
Keep letting those same criminals out of jail repeatedly so they commit more crimes.
Our resident commies can't even see why any of this is a problem. Cheer XidenBros Cheer!
Elijah LaFrance, 3, was shot and killed on April 24, 2021, at his birthday party in Miami-Dade County, Florida.
No Tweets from LeBron over this shooting and no comment from Owl about it either.
Cho Bai Den gets his 10% off the top and then the rests of the ponzi scheme/corrupt motherfuckers in the Seattle elected officials get their cut too.
Keep voting against mean and orange. Wake up, you dumb motherfuckers.
Cartel supporting Fag.
Are there booze cartels?
So sell meth on street corners? Vending machines? What could go wrong?
I don't think there is a good answer for such bad shit.
The reason legalization is a bad idea is because far too many people simply cannot regulate or tolerate their drug use, and wind up stealing and harming people to support their habits, and no, we don't owe them free rehab, free housing, or any other free shit.
They knew the risks and took them anyway.
Zero tolerance, zero sympathy. Fucks need to own their own shit. If they did, the world would be a better place, like it was when shit was illegal, prosecuted, and the pieces of shit who now camp in our parks and steal our catalytic converters by the dozen were off the street and in jail.
Does Jail "work" to rehabilitate and prepare people to re-enter society? Who gives a shit. They are scum and deserve what comes their way.
Let's not throw the baby out with the dutch water.....
What a statist bootlicker you are.