I listened to 10 minutes of it. The zero who is on the podcast never once provided any facts to refute what was being said. He simply called others names and gave his FEELINGS. The kind of stuff that appeals to the kobe's of the world and make them spread the bullshit around as if it were factual or true.
I listened to 10 minutes of it. The zero who is on the podcast never once provided any facts to refute what was being said. He simply called others names and gave his FEELINGS. The kind of stuff that appeals to the kobe's of the world and make them spread the bullshit around as if it were factual or true.
I'll save all of you the trouble. You'll notice that neither Kobe nor GRG for that matter cite any of the supposed "lies" told by Prager. The "analysis" from the guy in the video is that Conservatives opposed CRT because they are racists and CRT is so effective at exposing the racism that's ingrained in all of our institutions that benefit racist conservatives.
Now you know why a dumbfuck like Kobe who thinks white racism causes blacks to commit crime and have kids out of wedlock loved the video.
I encourage everyone to watch the video. His "logic" is as follows. Conservatives oppose CRT because they are racists and the best evidence that they are racists is their opposition to CRT.
Logic only a Kunt could love, and now you know why Kobe linked it.
CRT is a bunch of recycled bullshit from when Obama was at Harvard. It's been debunked for 30 years.
Now you know why a dumbfuck like Kobe who thinks white racism causes blacks to commit crime and have kids out of wedlock loved the video.
All dissent must be crushed
Logic only a Kunt could love, and now you know why Kobe linked it.
GRG, tell us why Prager U's video on CRT is bad and this guy's analysis is good and accurate?
Say goodbye to GRG.
Called it!!!
I didn't post any video. Pathetic Kunt can't back up his mouth when asked simple question about what he said.
Jesus @TheKobeStopper, don't you know an Incel when you see one?