Wow, Bill was getting some strange on the side. Is that what broke up the marriage? She's 70 now. Her hands and arms look similar to my plumber's.
Something's wrong here. If you're the 4th richest man in the world and you want some woman on the side, go peruse Xhamster or some site like that and get a good idea of what you can afford (all of them). Have your hired help make some indiscreet inquiries.
Jesus. No wonder the solution to fix some stupid problem with his software has always been to reboot the computer.
Wow, Bill was getting some strange on the side. Is that what broke up the marriage? She's 70 now. Her hands and arms look similar to my plumber's.
Something's wrong here. If you're the 4th richest man in the world and you want some woman on the side, go peruse Xhamster or some site like that and get a good idea of what you can afford (all of them). Have your hired help make some indiscreet inquiries.
Jesus. No wonder the solution to fix some stupid problem with his software has always been to reboot the computer.
Why are we pretending like Bill is the common red blooded loser American. We like football, pussy, and violence. Bill likes computers and vaccines. He ain’t interested in pussy.
Wow, Bill was getting some strange on the side. Is that what broke up the marriage? She's 70 now. Her hands and arms look similar to my plumber's.
Something's wrong here. If you're the 4th richest man in the world and you want some woman on the side, go peruse Xhamster or some site like that and get a good idea of what you can afford (all of them). Have your hired help make some indiscreet inquiries.
Jesus. No wonder the solution to fix some stupid problem with his software has always been to reboot the computer.
Wow, Bill was getting some strange on the side. Is that what broke up the marriage? She's 70 now. Her hands and arms look similar to my plumber's.
Something's wrong here. If you're the 4th richest man in the world and you want some woman on the side, go peruse Xhamster or some site like that and get a good idea of what you can afford (all of them). Have your hired help make some indiscreet inquiries.
Jesus. No wonder the solution to fix some stupid problem with his software has always been to reboot the computer.
That's no coincidence. Allegedly Kevin Kline was so distraught over Gates making his brother a cuck that he had Melania killed and took her place in order to exact a long, drawn-out revenge plot. Looks like it's going to pay off handsomely.
Wow, Bill was getting some strange on the side. Is that what broke up the marriage? She's 70 now. Her hands and arms look similar to my plumber's.
Something's wrong here. If you're the 4th richest man in the world and you want some woman on the side, go peruse Xhamster or some site like that and get a good idea of what you can afford (all of them). Have your hired help make some indiscreet inquiries.
Jesus. No wonder the solution to fix some stupid problem with his software has always been to reboot the computer.
That's no coincidence. Allegedly Kevin Kline was so distraught over Gates making his brother a cuck that he had Melania killed and took her place in order to exact a long, drawn-out revenge plot. Looks like it's going to pay off handsomely.
Who knew that a computer dork attempting to be the world leader was harmful to a marriage?
He learned about sex from the trips to Epstein Island
Something's wrong here. If you're the 4th richest man in the world and you want some woman on the side, go peruse Xhamster or some site like that and get a good idea of what you can afford (all of them). Have your hired help make some indiscreet inquiries.
Jesus. No wonder the solution to fix some stupid problem with his software has always been to reboot the computer.
She was seized by an angry mob of vigilantes and killed in an act of vengeance and retribution, in an act of self defense.
And replaced by Kevin Kline.
that's rough