So Powerline discusses a recent WSJ article. As Powerline points out, the WSJ is a very liberal paper outside of the editorial page and even then they are open borders. As I read this, I noticed that Rachel Bachman was one of the authors of the WSJ article. I saw that and thought to myself how does a raging feminist affirmative action hire by the Oregonian sports page 25 years ago end up as a writer for the WSJ. Geezus. Anyway, Bachman and the WSJ thinks the disparity in home ownership between blacks and whites in Minneapolis is racial ownership covenants from 100 years ago when basically no blacks lived in Minnesota. Sure. No mention of how illegitimacy affects education and earning potential. Just more of blame whitey and systemic white institutional racism in a democratic state and democratic city. If you want to buy a house in my neighborhood, you put down the down payment go get a loan from a financial institution that has no idea who you are and you buy it. Race just doesn't come into it and everyone knows it but leftards like to pretend otherwise. And I'm the racist?
The takeoff point for this story is that the “gap” between the white home ownership rate and the black home ownership rate in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Statistical Area–the article itself is vague, referring mostly to Minneapolis, but this seems clear from the accompanying charts–is the widest in the nation:
In the Minneapolis metro area, 77% of white residents own homes, compared with 25% of Black residents—a 52-percentage-point difference, larger than in any other major U.S. city….
Actually, the Twin Cities are home to a number of such “gaps,” most notably, in educational achievement. The reasons for this are historic, but the most obvious causal factor is that 15 or 20 years ago (it could still be true, but I haven’t seen the numbers lately) the U.S. zip code that had the highest rate of illegitimate births in the country was North Minneapolis. But don’t hold your breath waiting for liberals to talk about that.
A trove of new research suggests that one factor is a tool of discrimination from 100 years ago: racially restrictive covenants that were attached to thousands of Minneapolis homes in the early 20th century, prohibiting sales to many minorities.
This is a profoundly silly theory. First of all, race-restricted covenants have been unenforceable, as the article acknowledges, since 1948, and have been banned in Minnesota since 1962. The idea that somehow, 60 to 75 years later, those long-gone covenants are still preventing blacks from buying homes, is ridiculous on its face.
Further, the number of blacks who were affected by such covenants was minuscule. As the article notes, “In the early 20th century, Black residents made up just 1% of the population.” Virtually all of the Twin Cities’ black population has moved to the area after restrictive covenants were abolished.
If you were truly interested in lifting up black people and closing the racial disparities in education and income and addressing the problems blacks have with the criminal justice system you'd be focused like a laser beam on this issue.
Out of wedlock birth and single parent households are the engine that drive nearly every social pathology you can think of. School drop out rate, drug use, teen pregnancy, incarceration rates, you name it, the overwhelming majority of the people engaging in these behaviors come from a broken home.
We all know this, we've known it for 50 years and we don't even talk about it at the government and policy level.
Finally. A talking head with enough balls to state the real problem.
Never heard of Fox News before?
Ever heard of trying to make sense before?
This is the fist I have heard this being addressed like this anywhere. What the hell is your point Mr. Helper?
Obama ever so briefly when he first ran for President raised this as an issue. He was roundly criticized by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton after he did so. He never talked about it again and he never did anything during his 8 years in office to address it. I've been saying for 25 years that we need to have a stigma on having a kid out of wedlock that is at least as strong as we do toward smoking.
Look at the Obama's, do you think they have tried to discouraged their kids from having babies out of wedlock? Same with leftists like the Dazzler, do you think he encouraged his daughter to have a kid out of wedlock? Of course not. But when it comes to passing along that message to others they lose their voices.
They know that having a kid out of wedlock is a bad idea and will have a negative impact on their kid's lives but they don't feel black folks in general are mature enough to be given that same message.
Finally. A talking head with enough balls to state the real problem.
Never heard of Fox News before?
Ever heard of trying to make sense before?
This is the fist I have heard this being addressed like this anywhere. What the hell is your point Mr. Helper?
I'll go slow. This is not a new take. The talking heads on every conservative outlet you allegedly gorge on have been hammering home the importance of the family and a two-parent household for decades.
But I'm just being a crank. I actually do enjoy watching your childlike wonder when stumbling onto a new talking point. Like hearing the Beatles for the first time (just kidding, the Beatles suck).
Finally. A talking head with enough balls to state the real problem.
Never heard of Fox News before?
Ever heard of trying to make sense before?
This is the fist I have heard this being addressed like this anywhere. What the hell is your point Mr. Helper?
I'll go slow. This is not a new take. The talking heads on every conservative outlet you allegedly gorge on have been hammering home the importance of the family and a two-parent household for decades.
But I'm just being a crank. I actually do enjoy watching your childlike wonder when stumbling onto a new talking point. Like hearing the Beatles for the first time (just kidding, the Beatles suck).
Too bad that message isn't being pushed by the people you vote for. In fact, Biden and the Rats are giving the exact opposition message.
Finally. A talking head with enough balls to state the real problem.
Never heard of Fox News before?
Ever heard of trying to make sense before?
This is the fist I have heard this being addressed like this anywhere. What the hell is your point Mr. Helper?
I'll go slow. This is not a new take. The talking heads on every conservative outlet you allegedly gorge on have been hammering home the importance of the family and a two-parent household for decades.
But I'm just being a crankphucking useless moron who believes in systemic white institutional racism like all the people I vote for. I actually do enjoy watching your childlike wonder when stumbling onto a new talking point. Like hearing the Beatles for the first time (just kidding, the Beatles suck).
Conservatives having kids out of wedlock isn't the problem. Conservatives and rich white liberals have gotten the message.
I know of no one in my peer group who had a kid out of wedlock. In high school, there were a couple of girls who disappeared for awhile - kids put up for adoption. They were both were from the blue collar neighborhoods and definitely were the easy girls. One not so hot, the other was white hot. She skanked out and drugs left here a walking shell of what she could have been.
Finally. A talking head with enough balls to state the real problem.
Never heard of Fox News before?
Ever heard of trying to make sense before?
This is the fist I have heard this being addressed like this anywhere. What the hell is your point Mr. Helper?
I'll go slow. This is not a new take. The talking heads on every conservative outlet you allegedly gorge on have been hammering home the importance of the family and a two-parent household for decades.
But I'm just being a crank. I actually do enjoy watching your childlike wonder when stumbling onto a new talking point. Like hearing the Beatles for the first time (just kidding, the Beatles suck).
Too bad that message isn't being pushed by the people you vote for. In fact, Biden and the Rats are giving the exact opposition message.
Finally. A talking head with enough balls to state the real problem.
Never heard of Fox News before?
Ever heard of trying to make sense before?
This is the fist I have heard this being addressed like this anywhere. What the hell is your point Mr. Helper?
I'll go slow. This is not a new take. The talking heads on every conservative outlet you allegedly gorge on have been hammering home the importance of the family and a two-parent household for decades.
But I'm just being a crank. I actually do enjoy watching your childlike wonder when stumbling onto a new talking point. Like hearing the Beatles for the first time (just kidding, the Beatles suck).
So that I can make sense out of your out-of-the-blue and not on topic rant, you are trying to criticize me for NOT seeing this topic discussed in MSM before this FOX News post? Is that the stick up your ass?
Jeezus dude, just stick to the topic. Your contrived wonderment and resulting lack of sense is blinding.
The lack of discussion about the real problems in the black community is staggering. It is never discussed. As a matter of fact it is avoided by the media at all costs.
Finally. A talking head with enough balls to state the real problem.
Never heard of Fox News before?
Ever heard of trying to make sense before?
This is the fist I have heard this being addressed like this anywhere. What the hell is your point Mr. Helper?
I'll go slow. This is not a new take. The talking heads on every conservative outlet you allegedly gorge on have been hammering home the importance of the family and a two-parent household for decades.
But I'm just being a crank. I actually do enjoy watching your childlike wonder when stumbling onto a new talking point. Like hearing the Beatles for the first time (just kidding, the Beatles suck).
So that I can make sense out of your out-of-the-blue and not on topic rant, you are trying to criticize me for NOT seeing this topic discussed in MSM before this FOX News post? Is that the stick up your ass?
Jeezus dude, just stick to the topic. Your contrived wonderment and resulting lack of sense is blinding.
The lack of discussion about the real problems in the black community is staggering. It is never discussed. As a matter of fact it is avoided by the media at all costs.
If you want to lie about the facts again, you can just fuck off.
Finally. A talking head with enough balls to state the real problem.
Never heard of Fox News before?
Ever heard of trying to make sense before?
This is the fist I have heard this being addressed like this anywhere. What the hell is your point Mr. Helper?
I'll go slow. This is not a new take. The talking heads on every conservative outlet you allegedly gorge on have been hammering home the importance of the family and a two-parent household for decades.
But I'm just being a crank. I actually do enjoy watching your childlike wonder when stumbling onto a new talking point. Like hearing the Beatles for the first time (just kidding, the Beatles suck).
Too bad that message isn't being pushed by the people you vote for. In fact, Biden and the Rats are giving the exact opposition message.
Kindergarten teachers are asking five year old their preferred gender.
The takeoff point for this story is that the “gap” between the white home ownership rate and the black home ownership rate in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Statistical Area–the article itself is vague, referring mostly to Minneapolis, but this seems clear from the accompanying charts–is the widest in the nation:
In the Minneapolis metro area, 77% of white residents own homes, compared with 25% of Black residents—a 52-percentage-point difference, larger than in any other major U.S. city….
Actually, the Twin Cities are home to a number of such “gaps,” most notably, in educational achievement. The reasons for this are historic, but the most obvious causal factor is that 15 or 20 years ago (it could still be true, but I haven’t seen the numbers lately) the U.S. zip code that had the highest rate of illegitimate births in the country was North Minneapolis. But don’t hold your breath waiting for liberals to talk about that.
A trove of new research suggests that one factor is a tool of discrimination from 100 years ago: racially restrictive covenants that were attached to thousands of Minneapolis homes in the early 20th century, prohibiting sales to many minorities.
This is a profoundly silly theory. First of all, race-restricted covenants have been unenforceable, as the article acknowledges, since 1948, and have been banned in Minnesota since 1962. The idea that somehow, 60 to 75 years later, those long-gone covenants are still preventing blacks from buying homes, is ridiculous on its face.
Further, the number of blacks who were affected by such covenants was minuscule. As the article notes, “In the early 20th century, Black residents made up just 1% of the population.” Virtually all of the Twin Cities’ black population has moved to the area after restrictive covenants were abolished.
Out of wedlock birth and single parent households are the engine that drive nearly every social pathology you can think of. School drop out rate, drug use, teen pregnancy, incarceration rates, you name it, the overwhelming majority of the people engaging in these behaviors come from a broken home.
We all know this, we've known it for 50 years and we don't even talk about it at the government and policy level.
This is the fist I have heard this being addressed like this anywhere. What the hell is your point Mr. Helper?
Look at the Obama's, do you think they have tried to discouraged their kids from having babies out of wedlock? Same with leftists like the Dazzler, do you think he encouraged his daughter to have a kid out of wedlock? Of course not. But when it comes to passing along that message to others they lose their voices.
They know that having a kid out of wedlock is a bad idea and will have a negative impact on their kid's lives but they don't feel black folks in general are mature enough to be given that same message.
But I'm just being a crank. I actually do enjoy watching your childlike wonder when stumbling onto a new talking point. Like hearing the Beatles for the first time (just kidding, the Beatles suck).
Jeezus dude, just stick to the topic. Your contrived wonderment and resulting lack of sense is blinding.
The lack of discussion about the real problems in the black community is staggering. It is never discussed. As a matter of fact it is avoided by the media at all costs.