What's next? Banning abortion? Stopping grade schoolers from gender assignment surgery? Where does the madness end.
Stay out of my personal health decisions Hitler
No one is forcing you to attend WSU, Madam.
Ironic. The dazzler wants government enforced vaccinations for students who are at almost no risk of a serious illness but Race is Hitler. I pity his clients.
What's next? Banning abortion? Stopping grade schoolers from gender assignment surgery? Where does the madness end.
Stay out of my personal health decisions Hitler
No one is forcing you to attend WSU, Madam.
Ironic. The dazzler wants government enforced vaccinations for students who are at almost no risk of a serious illness but Race is Hitler. I pity his clients.
Good for WSU.
Get the government out of my body
My tax dollars go there. Holler
Stay out of my personal health decisions Hitler
Fuck off Hitler. My body my choice
Bovine cherry-popping is preserved in Pullman. Congrats Cuogs.
So flu shots too then? No gay sex to stop aids?
Your dream is still alive