The dazzler calls this a masterful social security fix. He has a mythical MBA so he knows what he is talking about. crime cartels, never seeing the U.S. border so inviting as it has been under President Joe Biden, are openly driving to the border with tractor trailers full of illegal immigrants and drugs to unload their cargo, according to a new report.
For the first time, 18-wheelers are stopping at the Rio Grande to dump their cargo in the poorly defended Big Bend areas of West Texas as cartels shop for new crossing points.
“It’s never been this busy,” one agent told Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies. He has been on the border charting the impact of Biden’s border-opening policies, dubbed “la invitacion” by illegal immigrants.
Bensman wrote in a new report, “Eighteen-wheeler tractor-trailer rigs and trucks of all sizes now pull right up to the river in unending succession to unload people and drug cargo in broad daylight along the long empty stretches of riverside territory. Police chases of immigrant transport vehicles are now commonplace in towns further inland for the first time. And border patrol agents, largely unreinforced despite new circumstances, are chasing groups through the desert day and night, losing most and strained beyond capacity to impact what’s happening, they say."
The agent, only identified as a 10-year veteran, told Bensman, “I’ve never seen 18-wheelers out on the levy on the Mexican side like this, filled with God-only-knows what. It was predicted before the new administration came in, and it happened. Now the cartels are having a field day.”
A key point in Bensman’s new report is how cartels are shopping for new opening points, cleared as the Border Patrol shifts agents to areas overwhelmed by illegal immigrants by Biden’s open borders move.
“There’s no one watching,” a smuggler told Bensman, of the rugged West Texas border.