The MSM is pushing the Lab Leak narrative heavy because they, the conspirators, NEED Covid to be real. It's not, but they need it to be, or everything falls apart for them, and they die, at the gallows, in front of firing squads.
They will pull out all the stops to convince people its real, including the release of biological agents. They will set off nuclear weapons before they surrender. The Covid Nazis will never stop, and will need to be exterminated. Like in WW2.
Convid started in Wuhan, the test city for 5g. They used the wet market bat story to explain it, then switched to the Wuhan Lab angle after that failed. Both lies are aimed at stoking resentment and war between China and the West. The CCP, which works in tandem with the Western NWO, switched on 5g, which was the Green Light for the Covid 1984 Agenda.
They have been killing you, and intend to kill you, with 5g and Vaccines. They will call it Covid, or another variant of Covid, or it will go by another name entirely in the near future. Prepare for never ending 'pandemics, vaccines, lockdowns.' They don't need concentration camps. The 5g Towers are the Smart City Concentration Camp Sentinels. They intend to use 5g frequencies to kill food and vegetation as well, to destroy crops in order to spark global famine. Why? Because they are Eugenicists and want to depopulate the Planet. How many times do they need to tell you this before you will listen?
The MSM is pushing the Lab Leak narrative heavy because they, the conspirators, NEED Covid to be real. It's not, but they need it to be, or everything falls apart for them, and they die, at the gallows, in front of firing squads.
They will pull out all the stops to convince people its real, including the release of biological agents. They will set off nuclear weapons before they surrender. The Covid Nazis will never stop, and will need to be exterminated. Like in WW2.
Convid started in Wuhan, the test city for 5g. They used the wet market bat story to explain it, then switched to the Wuhan Lab angle after that failed. Both lies are aimed at stoking resentment and war between China and the West. The CCP, which works in tandem with the Western NWO, switched on 5g, which was the Green Light for the Covid 1984 Agenda.
They have been killing you, and intend to kill you, with 5g and Vaccines. They will call it Covid, or another variant of Covid, or it will go by another name entirely in the near future. Prepare for never ending 'pandemics, vaccines, lockdowns.' They don't need concentration camps. The 5g Towers are the Smart City Concentration Camp Sentinels. They intend to use 5g frequencies to kill food and vegetation as well, to destroy crops in order to spark global famine. Why? Because they are Eugenicists and want to depopulate the Planet. How many times do they need to tell you this before you will listen?
I'm confused. Do actually believe this craziness or do you just find all this fantastical discussion amusing? Maybe there's a 3rd opinion and that is there's so much shit floating around you don't know what to believe? I sure as fuck don't believe our government about almost anything.
I'm confused. Do actually believe this craziness or do you just find all this fantastical discussion amusing? Maybe there's a 3rd opinion and that is there's so much shit floating around you don't know what to believe? I sure as fuck don't believe our government about almost anything.
I'm confused. Do actually believe this craziness or do you just find all this fantastical discussion amusing? Maybe there's a 3rd opinion and that is there's so much shit floating around you don't know what to believe? I sure as fuck don't believe our government about almost anything.
I'm confused. Do actually believe this craziness or do you just find all this fantastical discussion amusing? Maybe there's a 3rd opinion and that is there's so much shit floating around you don't know what to believe? I sure as fuck don't believe our government about almost anything.
The MSM is pushing the Lab Leak narrative heavy because they, the conspirators,
NEED Covid to be real. It's not, but they need it to be, or everything falls
apart for them, and they die, at the gallows, in front of firing squads.
They will pull out all the stops to convince people its real, including the release
of biological agents. They will set off nuclear weapons before they surrender.
The Covid Nazis will never stop, and will need to be exterminated. Like in WW2.
Convid started in Wuhan, the test city for 5g. They used the wet market bat
story to explain it, then switched to the Wuhan Lab angle after that failed.
Both lies are aimed at stoking resentment and war between China and the West.
The CCP, which works in tandem with the Western NWO, switched on 5g, which was
the Green Light for the Covid 1984 Agenda.
They have been killing you, and intend to kill you, with 5g and Vaccines. They will
call it Covid, or another variant of Covid, or it will go by another name entirely in
the near future. Prepare for never ending 'pandemics, vaccines, lockdowns.' They
don't need concentration camps. The 5g Towers are the Smart City Concentration
Camp Sentinels. They intend to use 5g frequencies to kill food and vegetation as
well, to destroy crops in order to spark global famine. Why? Because they are
Eugenicists and want to depopulate the Planet. How many times do they need to
tell you this before you will listen?