Ex-US Senator says something that was most likely taken out of context and the Dazzler is OUTRAGED. Sitting US President claims black and brown people fear just walking the streets in America today due to "systemic white racism" and the Dazzler says nothing.
Too bad he isn't advocating abolishing the police or getting rid of advanced maff, if we want to talk about embarrassing and moronic.
The dazzler loves to bite ankles, always focused on the big picture. Just like he learned when getting his mythical MBA, start your cash flow analysis with office supplies and finish with coffee room revenue.
In the context in which is talking; religious liberty and freedom, Santorum's statement is 100% accurate. Meanwhile the dementia patient is busy parroting bullshit about how all of our institutions are infused with systemic white racism and the Dazzler has no problem with that bullshit.
Cue the jackass dance.