I wonder if it’s because the police force is either quitting or retiring faster than they can replace them. I hope he enjoys that shit bed he created.
Let's see. The Portland business establishment hates him. Homeowners in Portland hate him. BLM/Antifa hate him. Nice work if you can get it. Ted legitimately can't have any kind of meeting in which he isn't view as contemptible by everyone. Couldn't happen to a better POS.
I wonder if it’s because the police force is either quitting or retiring faster than they can replace them. I hope he enjoys that shit bed he created.
Let's see. The Portland business establishment hates him. Homeowners in Portland hate him. BLM/Antifa hate him. Nice work if you can get it. Ted legitimately can't have any kind of meeting in which he isn't view as contemptible by everyone. Couldn't happen to a better POS.
It's the inherent problem in being a leftist leader. They hate anyone who has any success, particularly if they are a white male.
Lol what useful odour allowed the roots to effect the election and tired the hands of they police and now wonders why they won't stop? Fuck this clown. Maybe only a thought ANTIFA will toss him off a building Portland would be better off.
The funny thing is, the candidate that Wheeler beat out for reelection in November was 100x worse than he is.
And he might be the worst mayor in America.
Same thing in Seattle. As much of a disaster as Durkan is, Carrie Moon might have actually brought on the apocalypse.
Both shit holes only elect team blue. An apocalypse is the only thing that might save them long term.
I don't think either place is worth saving. Like Portland, BC and SF, Seattle is on a suicide march. All I want is to time the market peak in my area, then sell and GTFO.
The people who voted these useless commie assholes into office are the stupid "mask-inside-a-car" morons I don't wish to associate with any longer.
Fuck off. The mean orange man tried to save you and your ilk.
Have fun being hung up in the town square upside down, Ted.
I love watching them eat their own
This is all on you, Ted. You were too much of a pussy to stand up for your city and now you’re the king of shit-hole, USA.
And he might be the worst mayor in America.
The people who voted these useless commie assholes into office are the stupid "mask-inside-a-car" morons I don't wish to associate with any longer.
Seattle's voters are brain-damaged beyond repair.