If you witness white folks doing "problematic things" like not yielding the sidewalk to a black man or woman. Not tipping their hat to a black woman, or looking a black woman or man directly in the eye, let us know and we'll have our paramilitary wing pay them a visit.
If you witness white folks doing "problematic things" like not yielding the sidewalk to a black man or woman. Not tipping their hat to a black woman, or looking a black woman or man directly in the eye, let us know and we'll have our paramilitary wing pay them a visit.
If you witness white folks doing "problematic things" like not yielding the sidewalk to a black man or woman. Not tipping their hat to a black woman, or looking a black woman or man directly in the eye, let us know and we'll have our paramilitary wing pay them a visit.
The Rat party is returning to their roots!!!!
That is word for word Jim Crow
Waiting to hear from Biden on the subject
Come on, that's not Jim Crow, Jim Crow is requiring everyone to have a state ID.
If you witness white folks doing "problematic things" like not yielding the sidewalk to a black man or woman. Not tipping their hat to a black woman, or looking a black woman or man directly in the eye, let us know and we'll have our paramilitary wing pay them a visit.
The Rat party is returning to their roots!!!!
It's like BLM and Floyd apologists think White People are magic or something. I read horse shit like this and feel empowered.
Yeah they both think black people are inferior, btw, so does the Dazzler, but they were in favor of tossing lots and lots of other peoples money at them so they can't be the bad kind of racists.
Also don't wait around for when almost all of these programs are shown to have not worked and have only made the problems worse and helped to bankrupt the country. Plugs will be long gone by then and leftist like the Dazzler never take responsibility for anything.
Not into decentering
At all
The Rat party is returning to their roots!!!!
Waiting to hear from Biden on the subject
Washington Vaccine Provider Segregates Vaccine Waitlists By Race, Scheduling White People Last
Oh wait it was H. Makes sense now
Also don't wait around for when almost all of these programs are shown to have not worked and have only made the problems worse and helped to bankrupt the country. Plugs will be long gone by then and leftist like the Dazzler never take responsibility for anything.