So, now, after the election, newspapers get off with Retractions. "Oops....sorry, my bad'. Fuck that.
And who are these intel officers leaking this kind of information to the press? That's fucking national security shit. Edward Snowden is in exile for that stuff. WTF is going to happen to these clowns?
And for you clowns at NSA monitoring this board, like we say, fuck off.
Maybe I'm just being naive but have we every had a period in our history where the intelligence services in our country did more to influence and sway public opinion in favor of one party over the other then they did with Trump? Seriously, I blame Obama for this. The politicization of Executive Branch under Obama was totally unprecedented.
The 17 intelligence agencies engaging in efforts to subvert the vote and will of the people with disinformation on Russia Russia Russia and this bullshit among other things like the Ukraine is another thing that should give people pause for concern but won't
The 17 intelligence agencies engaging in efforts to subvert the vote and will of the people with disinformation on Russia Russia Russia and this bullshit among other things like the Ukraine is another thing that should give people pause for concern but won't
Flushed down the memory hole. The actively rooted for one side over the other and they did everything they could to undermine Trump. And the press is completely complicit in it. They know that people were feeding them lies. They have no obligation to continue to protect their source's anonymity but they will. Remember these same "intelligence" people were very quick to call Hunter Biden's laptop "Russian Disinformation." Have you seen any follow up on that?
Maybe I'm just being naive but have we every had a period in our history where the intelligence services in our country did more to influence and sway public opinion in favor of one party over the other then they did with Trump? Seriously, I blame Obama for this. The politicization of Executive Branch under Obama was totally unprecedented.
It wouldn't have happened, but as the Washington Post puts it, "Democracy dies in darkness". It certainly does. The MSM had no interest in telling the real story. The Trump Russian collusion hoax was over before it began if you followed it on conservative media. They had no interest in letting the public know the truth about Bounty Gate. We knew it was a pile of sh*t from the beginning. Leftards lie and love to be lied to. But your are right, Project Veritas has been thoroughly discredited.
Maybe I'm just being naive but have we every had a period in our history where the intelligence services in our country did more to influence and sway public opinion in favor of one party over the other then they did with Trump? Seriously, I blame Obama for this. The politicization of Executive Branch under Obama was totally unprecedented.
It wouldn't have happened, but as the Washington Post puts it, "Democracy dies in darkness". It certainly does. The MSM had no interest in telling the real story. The Trump Russian collusion hoax was over before it began if you followed it on conservative media. They had no interest in letting the public know the truth about Bounty Gate. We knew it was a pile of sh*t from the beginning. Leftards lie and love to be lied to. But your are right, Project Veritas has been thoroughly discredited.
How many of these unsourced bullshit stories did the press hit Trump with? The media in this country is a propaganda wing of the Rat party and the Republicans better figure this out quick and stop acting otherwise. No more of these bullshit Presidential debates where our candidate is expected to not only debate the Rat on stage but also the moderator. No more of these stacked townhall meetings where every question is asked from the left's perspective. 10 questions on climate change and not a single question on the budget deficit and out of control spending. Now you tell me which is a greater threat and which one we can actually do something about?
These reporters no longer have any obligation to protect the identities of their "sources." The fact that they never will reveal who gave them this bullshit information just reveals that the in on the scam. - We are losing our Republic folks.
So, now, after the election, newspapers get off with Retractions. "Oops....sorry, my bad'. Fuck that.
And who are these intel officers leaking this kind of information to the press? That's fucking national security shit. Edward Snowden is in exile for that stuff. WTF is going to happen to these clowns?
And for you clowns at NSA monitoring this board, like we say, fuck off.
They are part of the Cabal and the Convid 1984 Depopulation Agenda.
They hate Vlad and Xi because they refuse to play along with the NWO.
The CIA is a puppet of the Rothschild Central Banks, and wants to wage a war
it can't win.
The enemies of your enemies are your friends.
Seems like you're trying to scare people with all those zombie hacks.