For the media and they almost entirely rely on their men counterparts for financial support. Women derserve the same pay whether you, as a fan, want to support them or not; it's kobe world.
I don't know what this is about, or care, but I see Cuog! in the thread which tells me it's another stupid thing involving our retarded cousins to the east.
I don't know what this is about, or care, but I see Cuog! in the thread which tells me it's another stupid thing involving our retarded cousins to the east.
No she just happened to play college soccer there. She attacked some big white girl and there was a fracas on Twitter about it. Someone thought she was black and asked for the thread to be deleted because it perpetuates the angry black woman stereotype. Ironically, she's not black but maybe her dad has some Cuban in him or something;-)
Trying to figure out WTF Sarah Gordon is talking about. Morgan Weaver (#3) is white.
@RachelDolezalDawg, true?
Apologies to @PurpleThrobber tug rules