RHYTHM SECTION: The always ebullient Zion Tupuola-Fetui, wearing screaming orange hair this spring after turning up with blond tips last season, did a few nifty turns on the field while listening to the classic Rick James song "Give It To Me Baby," while fellow outside linebacker Sav'ell Smalls could be seen mouthing the words to the same ditty.
RHYTHM SECTION: The always ebullient Zion Tupuola-Fetui, wearing screaming orange hair this spring after turning up with blond tips last season, did a few nifty turns on the field while listening to the classic Rick James song "Give It To Me Baby," while fellow outside linebacker Sav'ell Smalls could be seen mouthing the words to the same ditty.
This is why we lose to Stanford
Pete Carroll would probably disagree.
But once upon a time, depending on the context, such dance moves during practice would have caused Stan Emptermananan to turn ZTF into a grease spot on the turf.
This is why we lose to Stanford
But once upon a time, depending on the context, such dance moves during practice would have caused Stan Emptermananan to turn ZTF into a grease spot on the turf.