This is really not that far off from Kobe's claims about how systemic white racism explains why black kids shoot each other at a higher rate than white kids.
This is really not that far off from Kobe's claims about how systemic white racism explains why black kids shoot each other at a higher rate than white kids.
This is really not that far off from Kobe's claims about how systemic white racism explains why black kids shoot each other at a higher rate than white kids.
But does blacks killing far more whites than any other race mean they're racist? Asking for a friend.
This is really not that far off from Kobe's claims about how systemic white racism explains why black kids shoot each other at a higher rate than white kids.
But does blacks killing far more whites than any other race mean they're racist? Asking for a friend.
To be fair, they kill each other more than any other race. Whitey is next highest number they kill but that's probably more of a numbers game since whitey is still the majority race in this country for now.
Nearly 56% of known murder offenders are black. Whites and Asian murder victims are just taking their proportional lumps with this spike in murder. There is no increase in Asian hate crimes, it's just the same old crime blacks have always been committing against Asians but now we just have an increase across the board in violent crime.
Oh yeah, you're not supposed to talk about any of this and if you do you're a racist.
The first link is actually frightening to think that there are animals like this in our country. The second video is equally frightening that there are grown men who are such pussies that they wouldn't help the poor woman when she is being brutalized.
This is really not that far off from Kobe's claims about how systemic white racism explains why black kids shoot each other at a higher rate than white kids.
But does blacks killing far more whites than any other race mean they're racist? Asking for a friend.
Axe-ing. Jesus. Show some fealty to the language butcherers.
Standardized testing is the problem
But seriously, you guys know this is a parody account, right?
Nearly 56% of known murder offenders are black. Whites and Asian murder victims are just taking their proportional lumps with this spike in murder. There is no increase in Asian hate crimes, it's just the same old crime blacks have always been committing against Asians but now we just have an increase across the board in violent crime.
Oh yeah, you're not supposed to talk about any of this and if you do you're a racist.
Dirty secret of black-on-Asian violence is out
C.W. Nevius
May 2, 2010
I don’t know what he’s saying
I’ll slow it down for chuck....I...
does that make me racist?