Says the son (of a dead retired educator) who continues to collect her pension.
You’ve got some gall, Bud, to criticize the police and the pensions they work for.
Why should the taxpayers be paying you jack sheet?
Try putting an 8 hour shift in a big city as a cop, then run your ignorant mouth.
I’m sorry all your mom did was spread her legs and never worked a meaningful day in her life
You’ll always have those memories of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when you were a little boy.
My mother worked in the private sector, Kunt.
I have a brother and a sister that are retired teachers.
Boasting about receiving your dead mother’s pension while criticizing the benefits retired police officers have earned takes balls.
Like I said she never worked a meaningful day in her life
And you’re pretty new here. And I’ve said it for years
I think cops are fucking lazy it won’t do anything unless it involves double triple or quadruple time.
I have a good pension. I earned it. I also helped pay for it.
Earning involved a lot of hard work. Call when you run a case for 35 straight hours or call your wife in the middle of the the night because there was a shooting and you're alive. I have a spinal fusion a ruptured disc and four badly bulged ones. Call me when you need multiple surgeries to go back to work after being hit by a car. Call me when they send you to the LA riots. Call me when they send you to active shootings, armed robberies, murders and attempted murders, stabbings, assaults, domestic violence, child abuse, rape, child molesting, or heaven forbid dead children.
People called me all the time when they were in danger and I always showed up no matter the danger to myself. I've been in pursuits in police cars, on police motors and in plain unmarked cars and on foot. I've served a few hundred high risk search warrants. I carried a submachine gun, AR and a sniper rifle around everyday for years.
Hardly you freckles cunt mommas boy. I come from a family of policemen and we got shit done and our reputations live on. Now go order another fagacino latte mocha with a splash of soy boy.
Or do you just follow me around and mark “Fuck Off” on my posts.
At this point, I feel honored that you, of all people on this board, put the time and effort into this endeavor.
You shouldn’t be honored at all. You really need to spend some time dialing this place in. Maybe PM IrishDawg.
Btw, who is my pal?
…I assumed you’re talking to me. Use the quote button, idiot.
Yes, I was talking to you, asshole.
See if you can figure it out from the Touchdown Portland! thread. It’s the dumbass that collects his mom’s teachers pension, yet bashes cops, saying they’re lazy and care only about their pensions.
Or do you just follow me around and mark “Fuck Off” on my posts.
At this point, I feel honored that you, of all people on this board, put the time and effort into this endeavor.
You shouldn’t be honored at all. You really need to spend some time dialing this place in. Maybe PM IrishDawg.
Btw, who is my pal?
…I assumed you’re talking to me. Use the quote button, idiot.
Yes, I was talking to you, asshole.
See if you can figure it out from the Touchdown Portland! thread. It’s the dumbass that collects his mom’s teachers pension, yet bashes cops, saying they’re lazy and care only about their pensions.
That’s my pal? You really are clueless. Dumbfuck. Pay attention god damn idiot.
Says the son (of a dead retired educator) who continues to collect her pension.
You’ve got some gall, Bud, to criticize the police and the pensions they work for.
Why should the taxpayers be paying you jack sheet?
Try putting an 8 hour shift in a big city as a cop, then run your ignorant mouth.
I’m sorry all your mom did was spread her legs and never worked a meaningful day in her life
You’ll always have those memories of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when you were a little boy.
My mother worked in the private sector, Kunt.
I have a brother and a sister that are retired teachers.
Boasting about receiving your dead mother’s pension while criticizing the benefits retired police officers have earned takes balls.
Like I said she never worked a meaningful day in her life
And you’re pretty new here. And I’ve said it for years
I think cops are fucking lazy it won’t do anything unless it involves double triple or quadruple time.
I have a good pension. I earned it. I also helped pay for it.
Earning involved a lot of hard work. Call when you run a case for 35 straight hours or call your wife in the middle of the the night because there was a shooting and you're alive. I have a spinal fusion a ruptured disc and four badly bulged ones. Call me when you need multiple surgeries to go back to work after being hit by a car. Call me when they send you to the LA riots. Call me when they send you to active shootings, armed robberies, murders and attempted murders, stabbings, assaults, domestic violence, child abuse, rape, child molesting, or heaven forbid dead children.
People called me all the time when they were in danger and I always showed up no matter the danger to myself. I've been in pursuits in police cars, on police motors and in plain unmarked cars and on foot. I've served a few hundred high risk search warrants. I carried a submachine gun, AR and a sniper rifle around everyday for years.
Hardly you freckles cunt mommas boy. I come from a family of policemen and we got shit done and our reputations live on. Now go order another fagacino latte mocha with a splash of soy boy.
Where did Husky JW run and hide to after running his ignorant mouth?
Ts and Ps to @MrsLoneStar and the spawn as we fly on a shitty oversold AA flight to PDX. She asked me to not bring my Texas hat so the psychological war has already been won.
Imagine coddling communist criminals bent on the destruction of everything American. Oh never mind no imagination necessary we have the democrat party.
Ts and Ps to @MrsLoneStar and the spawn as we fly on a shitty oversold AA flight to PDX. She asked me to not bring my Texas hat so the psychological war has already been won.
Reverse that psychology by wearing an Aussie Outback Hat. That'll show her.
Earning involved a lot of hard work. Call when you run a case for 35 straight hours or call your wife in the middle of the the night because there was a shooting and you're alive. I have a spinal fusion a ruptured disc and four badly bulged ones. Call me when you need multiple surgeries to go back to work after being hit by a car. Call me when they send you to the LA riots. Call me when they send you to active shootings, armed robberies, murders and attempted murders, stabbings, assaults, domestic violence, child abuse, rape, child molesting, or heaven forbid dead children.
People called me all the time when they were in danger and I always showed up no matter the danger to myself. I've been in pursuits in police cars, on police motors and in plain unmarked cars and on foot. I've served a few hundred high risk search warrants. I carried a submachine gun, AR and a sniper rifle around everyday for years.
Hardly you freckles cunt mommas boy. I come from a family of policemen and we got shit done and our reputations live on. Now go order another fagacino latte mocha with a splash of soy boy.
Why did your feckless Kunt pal run and hide?
Or do you just follow me around and mark “Fuck Off” on my posts.
At this point, I feel honored that you, of all people on this board, put the time and effort into this endeavor.
You shouldn’t be honored at all. You really need to spend some time dialing this place in. Maybe PM IrishDawg.
Btw, who is my pal?
…I assumed you’re talking to me. Use the quote button, idiot.
See if you can figure it out from the Touchdown Portland! thread. It’s the dumbass that collects his mom’s teachers pension, yet bashes cops, saying they’re lazy and care only about their pensions.
You really suck at this. Bigly.
Where did Husky JW run and hide to after running his ignorant mouth?
Matches the decor of the city. And the people.
Who colors their hair pink? Adult-Children, that's who.
Fuck Portland. Let it's people drown in their fake pride.
Sorry Portland, but that's a very stupid and perhaps suicidal attitude to walk around with.
That silly poster up above is neither a defense nor a statement of pride.
It's a cry for help, long after the wolves have eaten the sheep. Good luck, assholes.
We choke in the first round of the playoffs.