What @TheKobeStopper doesn't seem to acknowledge is the sane people on this board are all down with Goetz frying if he engaged in what is he is accused - after due process and discovery and conviction by a jury of his peers.
What @TheKobeStopper wants JUSTICE! on innuendo and rumor and the sound of the mob proclaiming GUILTY! Fascists and authoritarians roll that way.
What @TheKobeStopper doesn't seem to acknowledge is the sane people on this board are all down with Goetz frying if he engaged in what is he is accused - after due process and discovery and conviction by a jury of his peers.
What @TheKobeStopper wants JUSTICE! on innuendo and rumor and the sound of the mob proclaiming GUILTY! Fascists and authoritarians roll that way.
Fuck him and fuck the rest too. Not just GOP who rock the boat
If Greenberg had his own plane and island with underage girls and Gaetz had flown with him 28 times there would be no problems...
Who knows if Gaetz is guilty...last month the same crowd was claiming he was gay...now it’s changed to he’s chasing teenage girls...and if you believe anything the DOJ/FBI is leaking after that last 4 years of pure corruption you really have a speed limit IQ. At the end of the day everything about DC is a cesspool that corrupts most everyone that ends up there...the idea anyone would want any of these morons making policy and decisions to control their lives is complete idiocy.
If Greenberg had his own plane and island with underage girls and Gaetz had flown with him 28 times there would be no problems...
Who knows if Gaetz is guilty...last month the same crowd was claiming he was gay...now it’s changed to he’s chasing teenage girls...and if you believe anything the DOJ/FBI is leaking after that last 4 years of pure corruption you really have a speed limit IQ. At the end of the day everything about DC is a cesspool that corrupts most everyone that ends up there...the idea anyone would want any of these morons making policy and decisions to control their lives is complete idiocy.
We still live in a banana republic so he’ll still probably get screwed by some fake charge...I’m still looking forward to the excuses of whatever they charge him with is completely different than Senator Menendez or any of the Democrats flying Epstein’s pedo plane.
But fry the big guys crackhead son as well, because I’m pretty sure we’ve all seen the leaked pictures of him committing forcible sodomy on a minor while on a biz trip to China.
For those of you who had the the under in “how long until they start defending Gaetz”, congratulations.
Yup...there is video of Trump and Epstein as well. But no plane trips to pedo island.
There is also the fact that Trump kicked Epstein out permanently when he found out he hit on an underage employee, and was noted by the girls pushing the prosecution of Epstein in his first fraudulent plea deal (under Bush) that he was one of the few people that offered to talk with prosecutors and help out anyway he could.
Also rumors he reported/started the original prosecution because Epstein was trying to outbid him on a Russian oligarch’s mansion down in Miami...gossip but if I was a betting man I think it’s more likely than not...seems a very Trump thing to do.
Was this before or after he joked about how Epstein liked em young?
Not sure...have to ask Bill Clinton or George Mitchell. After all...they are named by the former underage girls.
I’ll be looking forward to the same due diligence by the FBI and DOJ in investigating them (and Hunter Biden and Schiff and numerous others) as they are putting into investigating Gaetz. After all...we wouldn’t be a banana republic with a 2 tier justice system, would we be?
What @TheKobeStopper doesn't seem to acknowledge is the sane people on this board are all down with Goetz frying if he engaged in what is he is accused - after due process and discovery and conviction by a jury of his peers.
What @TheKobeStopper wants JUSTICE! on innuendo and rumor and the sound of the mob proclaiming GUILTY! Fascists and authoritarians roll that way.
Everybody's entitled to due process
If they are found to have broken the law then impose the appropriate penalty
There are no sacred cows ... good thing to learn in life
What @TheKobeStopper wants JUSTICE! on innuendo and rumor and the sound of the mob proclaiming GUILTY! Fascists and authoritarians roll that way.
Fuck Gaetz
Who knows if Gaetz is guilty...last month the same crowd was claiming he was gay...now it’s changed to he’s chasing teenage girls...and if you believe anything the DOJ/FBI is leaking after that last 4 years of pure corruption you really have a speed limit IQ. At the end of the day everything about DC is a cesspool that corrupts most everyone that ends up there...the idea anyone would want any of these morons making policy and decisions to control their lives is complete idiocy.
Obviously @TheKobeStopper's life sucks if he has time for shit like this.
We still live in a banana republic so he’ll still probably get screwed by some fake charge...I’m still looking forward to the excuses of whatever they charge him with is completely different than Senator Menendez or any of the Democrats flying Epstein’s pedo plane.
But fry the big guys crackhead son as well, because I’m pretty sure we’ve all seen the leaked pictures of him committing forcible sodomy on a minor while on a biz trip to China.
There is also the fact that Trump kicked Epstein out permanently when he found out he hit on an underage employee, and was noted by the girls pushing the prosecution of Epstein in his first fraudulent plea deal (under Bush) that he was one of the few people that offered to talk with prosecutors and help out anyway he could.
Also rumors he reported/started the original prosecution because Epstein was trying to outbid him on a Russian oligarch’s mansion down in Miami...gossip but if I was a betting man I think it’s more likely than not...seems a very Trump thing to do.
I’ll be looking forward to the same due diligence by the FBI and DOJ in investigating them (and Hunter Biden and Schiff and numerous others) as they are putting into investigating Gaetz. After all...we wouldn’t be a banana republic with a 2 tier justice system, would we be?
Fry ‘em all.
Everybody's entitled to due process
If they are found to have broken the law then impose the appropriate penalty
There are no sacred cows ... good thing to learn in life