The reality is, the 48,000 per household is more like 500,000 per household. This debt along with its stifling interest and the use of the dollars on non-revenue producing political pork will never ever be paid back. Much of the money will be wasted on non-revenue producing shit. The reality of that type of spend is that when you spend $1 on rat political pork, it equals probably a $5 loss. Then you can take into account those funds that are wasted on entitlement (vote buying) and the lifetime of slavery it costs society and viola you can see that the rats are seriously not concerned about the financial health of this country and can only see as far as the next election for power.
What is more startling is there are many rats out there like aoc who are advocating for 3 times as much of a spend. Think about how utterly cruel and stupid she and her cohorts are. They would eagerly spend us into misery the country hasn't seen since 1929. In all reality it would be even worse.
This spend is going to be a disaster and if the country continues to elect these heartless bastards the poor and middle class will suffer the consequences and it will make our country very vulnerable to the rest of the world.
And then throw in the massive regulatory burden that is being created along with open borders. Energy prices are skyrocketing and will only get worse.
XidenBros are cheering and now want student loan forgiveness.
Don't get me started on the regulatory burden. It will be in the tens of billions of revenue never realized. The FED will grow exponentially and blue collar jobs will just disappear and arrogantly be told they simply need to be "retrained" and that their jobs have gone off shore never to return again. The same shit BO told them.
Student loan forgiveness will force me to get out in the street and protest. No one should have to pay for others bad decision making.
Head in ass over ongoing government graft and corruption. Bring something to the table besides your passive aggressive bullshit downvotes or, like we, say
What is more startling is there are many rats out there like aoc who are advocating for 3 times as much of a spend. Think about how utterly cruel and stupid she and her cohorts are. They would eagerly spend us into misery the country hasn't seen since 1929. In all reality it would be even worse.
This spend is going to be a disaster and if the country continues to elect these heartless bastards the poor and middle class will suffer the consequences and it will make our country very vulnerable to the rest of the world.
Student loan forgiveness will force me to get out in the street and protest. No one should have to pay for others bad decision making.
And we’re getting what $1,600 or whatever?
Or said differently, people are getting in the neighborhood if 1/30th of the spend ...
Why is it so hard for people to understand the level of corruption in government?
Some folks care more about tweets is all
Lots of deals and wink winks needed to be made for a very segmented primary to consolidate behind him
Then his VP was a candidate that was blown out of the Primary for a number of reasons ...
So yes, there’s a lot of “thank you’s” that Biden owes to people ...
And people wonder why it’s roughly 2/3 of the US that views our government as highly corrupt
Head in ass over ongoing government graft and corruption. Bring something to the table besides your passive aggressive bullshit downvotes or, like we, say
Fuck off.