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Clarence Thomas Likens Affirmative Action to Slavery/Segregation...
In Fisher v. University of Texas, J. Thomas stated in his concurring opinion that:
"Affirmative action policies used by the University of Texas echo the hollow justifications advanced by segregationists. The University’s arguments today are no more persuasive than they were 60 years ago. There is no principled distinction between the university’s assertion that diversity yields educational benefits and the segregationists’ assertion that segregation yielded those same benefits. The segregationists likewise defended segregation on the ground that it provided more leadership opportunities for blacks. Indeed, no court today would accept the suggestion that segregation is permissible because historically black colleges produced Booker T. Washington, Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King, Jr. and other prominent leaders. Likewise, the university’s racial discrimination cannot be justified on the ground that it will produce better leaders."
Interesting. He's right. Segregationists used the exact same unprovable arguments that supporters of affirmative action use today. It was a load of crap then, and it's a load of crap now.
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"Not me. Just the other ones."
Gotta hand it to him though. I started using the the ol' pube on a coke can after Cuntita Hill and wound up with more pussy in a month than I'd seen my whole life. Pretty clever Clarence.