Obviously this poor soul has internalized his white oppression and supremacy, causing him to vent his explosive anger on Asians.
You really do have leftists blaming white supremacy for these attacks being carried out by black people. The white oppression these black people have had to live under caused them to do this.
Obviously this poor soul has internalized his white oppression and supremacy, causing him to vent his explosive anger on Asians.
You really do have leftists blaming white supremacy for these attacks being carried out by black people. The white oppression these black people have had to live under caused them to do this.
Can I please see some evidence that these black folks are attacking Asians because of "coronavirus-fueled xenophobia." Hell, can I even get an acknowledgement that most of these attacks are being committed by black folks? I just once I'd love for someone to ask if it's possible that the discrimination against Asians when it comes to college admissions, that are supported by Biden are contributing to these attacks.
So when blacks victimize Asians it's a race crime. When blacks victimize whites it's just called payback. Got it.
No, when blacks victimize anyone from a different race it's just crime, crime. The race of the prep is only important when it's either a "White Hispanic" or a white person committing a crime against a POC. When blacks victimize other blacks it's a unreported story that nobody cares about.
Btw, as I said the other day this shit isn't new, you're just getting more attention on crimes being committed against Asians right now because the left is fully invested in making the story about white supremacy and Trump. The problem is that the narrative they're pushing isn't supported by the facts. Look for the interest in the stories to disappear here in a few weeks.
From 2010 in San Francisco
Dirty secret of black-on-Asian violence is out
San Francisco's hidden truth is out. That's what community organizer Carol Mo calls the realization that Asian residents are being targeted for robberies, burglaries and intimidation by young black men.
City officials, including the Police Department, say these assaults are part of a larger crime picture where gangs of kids take advantage of a vulnerable group of small stature. But Mo participated in a 2008 survey by the Police Department in which about 300 strong-arm robberies were analyzed. "In 85 percent of the physical assault crimes, the victims were Asian and the perpetrators were African American," she said.
Btw, as I said the other day this shit isn't new, you're just getting more attention on crimes being committed against Asians right now because the left is fully invested in making the story about white supremacy and Trump. The problem is that the narrative they're pushing isn't supported by the facts. Look for the interest in the stories to disappear here in a few weeks.
From 2010 in San Francisco
Dirty secret of black-on-Asian violence is out
San Francisco's hidden truth is out. That's what community organizer Carol Mo calls the realization that Asian residents are being targeted for robberies, burglaries and intimidation by young black men.
City officials, including the Police Department, say these assaults are part of a larger crime picture where gangs of kids take advantage of a vulnerable group of small stature. But Mo participated in a 2008 survey by the Police Department in which about 300 strong-arm robberies were analyzed. "In 85 percent of the physical assault crimes, the victims were Asian and the perpetrators were African American," she said.
Btw, as I said the other day this shit isn't new, you're just getting more attention on crimes being committed against Asians right now because the left is fully invested in making the story about white supremacy and Trump. The problem is that the narrative they're pushing isn't supported by the facts. Look for the interest in the stories to disappear here in a few weeks.
From 2010 in San Francisco
Dirty secret of black-on-Asian violence is out
San Francisco's hidden truth is out. That's what community organizer Carol Mo calls the realization that Asian residents are being targeted for robberies, burglaries and intimidation by young black men.
City officials, including the Police Department, say these assaults are part of a larger crime picture where gangs of kids take advantage of a vulnerable group of small stature. But Mo participated in a 2008 survey by the Police Department in which about 300 strong-arm robberies were analyzed. "In 85 percent of the physical assault crimes, the victims were Asian and the perpetrators were African American," she said.
I just roll my eyes
Convicted murderer (stabbed his mom to death), homeless. He's going back to prison.
From 2010 in San Francisco
Dirty secret of black-on-Asian violence is out
San Francisco's hidden truth is out. That's what community organizer Carol Mo calls the realization that Asian residents are being targeted for robberies, burglaries and intimidation by young black men.
City officials, including the Police Department, say these assaults are part of a larger crime picture where gangs of kids take advantage of a vulnerable group of small stature. But Mo participated in a 2008 survey by the Police Department in which about 300 strong-arm robberies were analyzed. "In 85 percent of the physical assault crimes, the victims were Asian and the perpetrators were African American," she said.
What next, Joe? Asians being Bad Drivers?
Not funny, Joe. Not funny at all.
“Biden: ‘You Cannot Go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts Unless You Have a Slight Indian Accent’
Along with his textbook racism.
Fuck Gu.