To me, it's just plain sad to watch rampant mental illness on full display in these kinds of desperate-to-matter, desperate-for-attention people.
And the fact that they've already given up on a meaningful life or success at such young ages, is disheartening.
But, the world needs ditch-diggers, too.
Dudette couldn't hold a shovel for a minute let alone shovel anything. I agree - how can any parent raise something like this and expect anything but a fentanyl overdose.
To me, it's just plain sad to watch rampant mental illness on full display in these kinds of desperate-to-matter, desperate-for-attention people.
And the fact that they've already given up on a meaningful life or success at such young ages, is disheartening.
But, the world needs ditch-diggers, too.
Dudette couldn't hold a shovel for a minute let alone shovel anything. I agree - how can any parent raise something like this and expect anything but a fentanyl overdose.
I know. But I didn't want to say "artisan barista" cause they earn even less than ditch-diggers.
And the fact that they've already given up on a meaningful life or success at such young ages, is disheartening.
But, the world needs ditch-diggers, too.
Most homes have mirrors.
Prolly explains the rest of the mess, tbh.