When I was jabbed I was given a vaccination card recording the dates of the jabs, the vaccine producer and vaccine "lot" number for each jab. Personally I don't believe any more than that and a regular passport is needed to show who you are and if you've been vaccinated. Regarding privacy, they are electronically recording who is getting jabbed, with what and when, so there's that.
By the way, gotta love the photos of the dining pods in the linked article ..... not
New York has been the center of some of the dumbest actions taken during the pandemic. Killer Cuomo single handedly became the nation's most prolific serial killer by forcing nursing homes to accept covid positive intakes resulting in many thousands of deaths. Good job champ. And then there are these gems. Dining pods. If one were asked to design a foolproof respiratory disease spreader, this is pretty much what one would come up with. Fucking retards.
The passport will most likely be a smartphone app or credit card like chip technology. The China flu is just an excuse to get the sheep to accept this platform. It's a move to a credit scoring system ala China.
China can locate any citizen in its country in 5 minutes or less.
Take down a herd of antifoids without reloading, then pop off.
Bring the right gun! Handguns are handy. One doesn't normally use them as a primary fighting arm (certain exceptions). We use them to fight our way to a long gun! Dealing with a mob when you splatter the loud mouths brains on half the others they usually settle down a bit.
When I was jabbed I was given a vaccination card recording the dates of the jabs, the vaccine producer and vaccine "lot" number for each jab. Personally I don't believe any more than that and a regular passport is needed to show who you are and if you've been vaccinated. Regarding privacy, they are electronically recording who is getting jabbed, with what and when, so there's that.
By the way, gotta love the photos of the dining pods in the linked article ..... not
New York has been the center of some of the dumbest actions taken during the pandemic. Killer Cuomo single handedly became the nation's most prolific serial killer by forcing nursing homes to accept covid positive intakes resulting in many thousands of deaths. Good job champ. And then there are these gems. Dining pods. If one were asked to design a foolproof respiratory disease spreader, this is pretty much what one would come up with. Fucking retards.
China can locate any citizen in its country in 5 minutes or less.