Way to jack up the transportation cost of food from the heartland to those greedy hungry fucks on the blue coasts....
These fucking idiots have no clue.
Stick with yelling at fences from empty parking lots.
Obviously we need to get rid of the Electoral College. People in cities think this is great idea. They know best and should set policy for everyone else.
Typical leftard. We currently have a system called the gasoline tax. Already set up and runs with minimal government input. Charged and collected at the gas pump. Everyone pays including illegal aliens. Charging by the mile means everyone registers their GPS with the government who then monitors how much you drive and where you drive to. So, if I drive up to Seattle, I'll get a Washington charge on my monthy/quarterly/yearly bill. If I drive across country I could get a couple of dozen charges. If your GPS gets disconnected or stops working, then we have the government with thousands of new employees sending out fine notices and then subject to collection. Figure that there are 4.1 million uninsured drivers in Cali. They all are paying a gas tax. How many are going to pay a mileage tax? So, we have a supposedly educated elite that hasn't thought this thing through at all except that it results in a huge government intrusion into our daily lives and results in thousands of government jobs without accomplishing anything that an increase in the gas tax wouldn't.
PS For electric vehicles, figure out the average mileage driven for gasoline cars and the associated federal gas tax and then charge that as a federal excise tax on the state vehicle registration fee for the EV.
These fucking idiots have no clue.
Stick with yelling at fences from empty parking lots.
PS For electric vehicles, figure out the average mileage driven for gasoline cars and the associated federal gas tax and then charge that as a federal excise tax on the state vehicle registration fee for the EV.