♫ Wake up, you sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed
♪ Wake up, the wicked witch is dead!♬ She's gone where the goblins go below, below, below, yo ho
♪ Let's open up and sing, and ring the bells out
♫ Ding-dong! the merry-o sing it high, sing it low
♬ Let them know the wicked witch is dead
♪ Ding-dong, the witch is dead! Which old witch? The wicked witch
♫ Ding-dong, the wicked witch is deadThe Fate of the Wicked Witch of the West Wing
On September 11th 2016, Hillary Clinton suffered a massive auto
immune attack on her body, passed out and was whisked away to
her daughter's apartment in NYC, which was a front for a medical
clinic she was being treated at for Kuru disease.
Kuru is a very rare disease that is caused by an infectious protein
(prion) found in contaminated human brain tissue. Kuru is found
among people who practice a form of cannibalism in which they
eat the brains of dead people as part of a ritual.Hillary was much more than a traitor. She was a cannibal and far
worse. You may have heard rumors of the Clinton/Huma Abedin
video that made grown men shake and vomit. The following is a
description of the contents of said video, as reported by the
authorities who obtained it.
[IMO every person of age should be marched through the Hall
of Horrors and learn about NWO's Crimes against Humanity, and
be forced to confront the reality of these crimes, like the Germans
were marched through the Nazi Concentration Camps after
Germany's surrender.]
Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin were 'pedovores' - cannibal
pedophiles that rape, torture, kill and consume children to obtain
adrenochrome, the drug of the 'elite.'
It has been reported that the contents of the video contained
footage of Clinton and Abedin raping an underaged girl, torturing
her, cutting her face off while she was still alive, and then wearing
her skin on their own faces while taunting her. After the victim was
killed, they cannibalized the victim and drank her blood.
These monsters used the blood of tortured, murdered victims as
an anti aging regimen. This is a common practice in Washington DC,
Hollywood, and elsewhere around the World in the Halls of Power.
After contracting Kuru, Clinton's body became ravaged with disease
and she was forced to consume even more adrenochrome.
On Sept 11 2016, Clinton's body shut down. She was revived using
electronic equipment which they connected to her body, which
allowed her to survive. The equipment kept her vital organs
functioning, pumping her lungs and spinal fluid. Electronic impulses
were sent to her brain, keeping her alive.
But because she continued to be dysfunctional, several doppelgangers
had to take her place. She made some public appearances, but mostly
doubles were used.
Such was the case at George HW Bush's funeral. He was the leader
of the Fourth Reich at the time, and had been executed for Crimes
against Humanity. Clinton's body double received one of the
following envelopes at the war criminal's funeral:
US Navy Seals raided her home in New York. She was arrested, along
with another senior member of a former administration, and taken
to Gitmo's Camp Delta, where jihadists are imprisoned. Believing she
would be released, she was a model prisoner during her first week in
captivity. Shortly thereafter her demeanor changed. She underwent a
behavioral metamorphosis. She became hostile and uncooperative.
She went on a hunger strike, claiming guards had poisoned her food,
and threw her serving trays at the staff. She was very disruptive, and
had to be placed on lockdown following a series of incidents in which
she hurled obscenities at staff and fellow inmates, spat on guards,
defecated on the floor of her cell, and assaulted military personnel.
She was saying things like "I'm Hillary Clinton, you can't do this to
me, you are violating my constitutional rights, my people will get
me out of here."
After being informed that she had no constitutional rights, that she
had been classified as an enemy combatant, things got really bad.
She threatened the guards and their families, admitting she had
ordered the deaths of countless people who had slighted her. She
told guards their families were "not beyond her reach."
She stopped using the loo entirely, and had to be bagged and
gagged whenever she was escorted to and from her cell. She bit a
guard on the arm, and he had to get several stitches and a tetanus
shot. Two days later she underwent another behavioral
metamorphosis. She became laconic, withdrawn, sat in the corner
of her cell shaking uncontrollably, sometimes frothing at the mouth.
This was accompanied by a dramatic physical deterioration of her
body because she was being deprived of the adrenochrome that she
needed to be able to function properly.
She had to be sedated with thorazine, and was brought to an
infirmary, where abnormalities were discovered in her blood. Her
forearm was dotted with pinpricks like a heroin addict, and her blood,
which is AB negative, contained proteins of two other blood types, a
medical impossibility, which suggested she had received "infusions"
from incompatible "donors." Labs results showed she had atypical
concentrations of adrenochrome in her system, suggesting She had
been a frequent consumer of adrenochrome cocktails.
Hillary Rodham Clinton received a military tribunal and was executed
by hanging. Huma Abedin was also executed.
The plan was to have Clinton serve as CEO of the United States of the
Corporation of the City of London, and then set off nuclear weapons
in the United States, blame the attacks on Russia, China, or North
Korea, and start a catastrophic World War to conceal the impending
collapse of the Rothschild Central Bank System, so that after the
carnage, no one would question Klaus Schwab and the Central Banks'
Бetter agenda to institute a new system of slavery and
control, the system you see being rolled out now.
The City of London tried and failed to get their own psychopath in
Deprived of the ability of using war as a cover for their Great Reset,
they were forced to resort to the Convid 1984 Plandemic, a scam that
has been working brilliantly for them so far. This plan had already
been in the works for a long time but was fast-tracked. The
blueprint for the massive scam was the Rockefeller Foundation's
"Operation Lockstep."
Patriot Putin was not joking when he said that a Clinton Presidency
would result in WW3. And if The Vlad helped tip the scales in the other
direction to give the USA an additional 4 year lease on life to try to get
things right and clean its own house, you will never be able to prove it.
What happens at the Kremlin stays in the Kremlin.
How do you find that many pictures.
I'm drunk at 1am watching Ted lasso
I am also drunk
Hats off to you obk you psycho bastard. You may end up the savior of us all
The Son of Perdition must first appear on scene. That may yet happen in your lifetime. Be prepared.
♬ Follow the Yellow Brick Road
trafficking operations
- HRC = Hillary Rodham Clinton
- "Evergreen" was Hillary Clinton's secret service codename
- Evergreen call sign = H3RC
♫ Follow ♪ follow ♫ follow, ♪ follow ♫ follow the Yellow Brick RoadThe following vessels showed up to attempt a rescue:
to the ground at the same time
statement in support of Taiwan
Translation: They be fucked?
containers on the Evergreen Shipping Vessel that was stuck in
the Suez Canal.
Many dead bodies were found in some of the 18,000 containers
on the ship.
Weapons of Mass Destruction were also found on vessel, and are
believed to be part of a plot to start a war in the Middle East.
The ship was taken to Bitter Lake in Egypt by order of the
Egyptian President and searched.
Walmart, Wayfair and other corporations that are implicated in
human trafficking and the Convid 1984 Agenda should view this
as a shot across the bow.
Isn't there a numbers trick about how many containers were on the ship and how that number makes a direct link to Hillary Clinton?
What a fuckin' kooked out communist sack of shit you are.