Bernie answered those questions thousands of times. He wrote the damn bill and you’ve had 5 years to read it, couldn’t be bothered. You’re against it though, no clue how it works, no clue what it would do, definitely against it.
Bernie answered those questions thousands of times. He wrote the damn bill and you’ve had 5 years to read it, couldn’t be bothered. You’re against it though, no clue how it works, no clue what it would do, definitely against it.
Don't care Hate you
Therefore against.
Although I am all for more abortions and anything that fucks over current college nonsense with debt.
Bernie answered those questions thousands of times. He wrote the damn bill and you’ve had 5 years to read it, couldn’t be bothered. You’re against it though, no clue how it works, no clue what it would do, definitely against it.
You are the one that's clueless here. Bernie's yuge plan requires massive tax increases. You sort of hint that you know it but don't know how much it would affect everyone. It's at least a 10% increase in payroll taxes. That sounds super! The middle class would be slammed even harder and in most cases might end up paying even more for healthcare. Meanwhile rich folks will still have private insurance. Shows how little you understand how it works and instead how tied you are to your stupid ideology. The best healthcare plans I've seen are in Europe, most people pay through a private insurance plan. At least the governments there have fixed things, including price and how much pharma can charge. Yes, US healthcare is fucked up and the way it's financed is horrible. But this m4a fantasy is not the answer.
Bernie answered those questions thousands of times. He wrote the damn bill and you’ve had 5 years to read it, couldn’t be bothered. You’re against it though, no clue how it works, no clue what it would do, definitely against it.
You are the one that's clueless here. Bernie's yuge plan requires massive tax increases. You sort of hint that you know it but don't know how much it would affect everyone. It's at least a 10% increase in payroll taxes. That sounds super! The middle class would be slammed even harder and in most cases might end up paying even more for healthcare. Meanwhile rich folks will still have private insurance. Shows how little you understand how it works and instead how tied you are to your stupid ideology. The best healthcare plans I've seen are in Europe, most people pay through a private insurance plan. At least the governments there have fixed things, including price and how much pharma can charge. Yes, US healthcare is fucked up and the way it's financed is horrible. But this m4a fantasy is not the answer.
I sure as fuck would push even harder to have fewer low level employees.
Bernie answered those questions thousands of times. He wrote the damn bill and you’ve had 5 years to read it, couldn’t be bothered. You’re against it though, no clue how it works, no clue what it would do, definitely against it.
And yet Biden and the democrats told him to fuck off
Bernie answered those questions thousands of times. He wrote the damn bill and you’ve had 5 years to read it, couldn’t be bothered. You’re against it though, no clue how it works, no clue what it would do, definitely against it.
And yet Biden and the democrats told him to fuck off
Let me know when that changes
Only fascist can stop progress, liberals just slow us down.
Bernie answered those questions thousands of times. He wrote the damn bill and you’ve had 5 years to read it, couldn’t be bothered. You’re against it though, no clue how it works, no clue what it would do, definitely against it.
And yet Biden and the democrats told him to fuck off
Let me know when that changes
Only fascist can stop progress, liberals just slow us down.
Bernie answered those questions thousands of times. He wrote the damn bill and you’ve had 5 years to read it, couldn’t be bothered. You’re against it though, no clue how it works, no clue what it would do, definitely against it.
And yet Biden and the democrats told him to fuck off
Let me know when that changes
Only fascist can stop progress, liberals just slow us down.
Bernie answered those questions thousands of times. He wrote the damn bill and you’ve had 5 years to read it, couldn’t be bothered. You’re against it though, no clue how it works, no clue what it would do, definitely against it.
Bernie is a looser. Worse than a one term president looser. A two (three?) tim primary looser sabotaged by ze’s own party.
Hate you
Therefore against.
Although I am all for more abortions and anything that fucks over current college nonsense with debt.
The best healthcare plans I've seen are in Europe, most people pay through a private insurance plan. At least the governments there have fixed things, including price and how much pharma can charge. Yes, US healthcare is fucked up and the way it's financed is horrible. But this m4a fantasy is not the answer.
I do now anyway though lol
Let me know when that changes
It's easier to complain.
Race you have hurt me
You're a shill for the nwo
That is funny