SJW wokeness and CRT are tools of weak minded fools who cannot accomplish policy objectives by any other means than a weird reverse racism play and using online mobs of low IQ feelz minions. I would feel sorry for woke culture were it not for them ruining true discourse in America. Most media is complicit in this giant lie that would have you believe black people are still being lynched routinely in most American cities. It's a travesty and an assault on the truth. Not some weak knee pearl clutching betas "personal truth," but actual factual truth. Oops. I forgot. Facts are racism.
SJW wokeness and CRT are tools of weak minded fools who cannot accomplish policy objectives by any other means than a weird reverse racism play and using online mobs of low IQ feelz minions. I would feel sorry for woke culture were it not for them ruining true discourse in America. Most media is complicit in this giant lie that would have you believe black people are still being lynched routinely in most American cities. It's a travesty and an assault on the truth. Not some weak knee pearl clutching betas "personal truth," but actual factual truth. Oops. I forgot. Facts are racism.
SJW wokeness and CRT are tools of weak minded fools who cannot accomplish policy objectives by any other means than a weird reverse racism play and using online mobs of low IQ feelz minions. I would feel sorry for woke culture were it not for them ruining true discourse in America. Most media is complicit in this giant lie that would have you believe black people are still being lynched routinely in most American cities. It's a travesty and an assault on the truth. Not some weak knee pearl clutching betas "personal truth," but actual factual truth. Oops. I forgot. Facts are racism.
Like we say, fuck off.
You just hurt all the feelers of SJW/CRT shill @TheKobeStopper.
SJW wokeness and CRT are tools of weak minded fools who cannot accomplish policy objectives by any other means than a weird reverse racism play and using online mobs of low IQ feelz minions. I would feel sorry for woke culture were it not for them ruining true discourse in America. Most media is complicit in this giant lie that would have you believe black people are still being lynched routinely in most American cities. It's a travesty and an assault on the truth. Not some weak knee pearl clutching betas "personal truth," but actual factual truth. Oops. I forgot. Facts are racism.
SJW wokeness and CRT are tools of weak minded fools who cannot accomplish policy objectives by any other means than a weird reverse racism play and using online mobs of low IQ feelz minions. I would feel sorry for woke culture were it not for them ruining true discourse in America. Most media is complicit in this giant lie that would have you believe black people are still being lynched routinely in most American cities. It's a travesty and an assault on the truth. Not some weak knee pearl clutching betas "personal truth," but actual factual truth. Oops. I forgot. Facts are racism.
Like we say, fuck off.
Put the pin back in, quick!!