Lawyers say Shit that isn't true? Opening and closing statements will now be banned.
And now Sled pretends he was pushing the same Bullshit.
Like you pretend lawyers don't lie in trials? I'm certain the info is out there though.
So Sled was for Sidney Powell's lie before he was against it.
You didn't believe her.
You did
Not her. So in your opinion she has just destroyed their case!
So you're pretending that despite your whole hearted acceptance of every single crack pot conspiracy theory surrounding the 2020 election, the one and only exception was Sidney Powell's Kraken lawsuit.
Lawyers say Shit that isn't true? Opening and closing statements will now be banned.
And now Sled pretends he was pushing the same Bullshit.
Like you pretend lawyers don't lie in trials? I'm certain the info is out there though.
So Sled was for Sidney Powell's lie before he was against it.
You didn't believe her.
You did
Not her. So in your opinion she has just destroyed their case!
So you're pretending that despite your whole hearted acceptance of every single crack pot conspiracy theory surrounding the 2020 election, the one and only exception was Sidney Powell's Kraken lawsuit.
Law suits get discovery I'll support any of them if it gets to the criminal lefts voter fraud. Including Sidney getting sued. HTH
Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, Jair Bolsonaro, Lopez Obrador et. al. will be sorting all of this out militarily if the US doesn't clean its own house. That process has in fact already begun. The US cannot prevail over such an alliance. The clock is going to get cleaned one way or another.
Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, Jair Bolsonaro, Lopez Obrador et. al. will be sorting all of this out militarily if the US doesn't clean its own house. That process has in fact already begun. The US cannot prevail over such an alliance. The clock is going to get cleaned one way or another.
The Throbber is not entirely enthralled with the prospect of learning Chinese at such an advanced age - but on a philosophical level, this DC faggotry has to end.
At the end of the day, either get your shit together or someone else will get it together for you.
Back to your cock obsession, I see. It's probably healthier for you to obsess over my leisure time activities than turn gayer than you already are. But no obsession is healthy, so you should probably give one of them a break.
Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, Jair Bolsonaro, Lopez Obrador et. al. will be sorting all of this out militarily if the US doesn't clean its own house. That process has in fact already begun. The US cannot prevail over such an alliance. The clock is going to get cleaned one way or another.
The Storm will sort out all of the these problems.
Glad you agree the case is toast.
At the end of the day, either get your shit together or someone else will get it together for you.
Thread was doa
You're lucky I post here at all
Back to your cock obsession, I see. It's probably healthier for you to obsess over my leisure time activities than turn gayer than you already are. But no obsession is healthy, so you should probably give one of them a break.