Well, apparently big law firms in spite of their illegal affirmative action programs are discriminating against black attorneys on an institutional basis. Geezus what a bunch of sanctimonious democrat piece of sh*t. Any way, woke Coke is on the case with some even more violations of the 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act. I see one more white polar bear Coke commercial where one of the bear spouses and bear kids aren't black bears I'm gonna go nuts.
https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2021/03/coke-demands-that-its-law-firms-engage-in-unlawful-discrimination.phpCOKE DEMANDS THAT ITS LAW FIRMS ENGAGE IN UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION
In January 2021, the general counsel of Coca Cola sent a letter to the law firms that represent it. The letter demanded, among other things, that these firms “commit that at least 30% of each of billed associate and partner time will be from diverse attorneys, and of such amounts at least half will be from Black attorneys.”
To enforce this demand, Coke’s general counsel warned that failure to comply on a given new legal engagement over two quarterly reviews “will result in a non-refundable 30% reduction in the fees payable for such New Matter going forward until the commitment is met and, continued failure may result in your firm no longer being considered for. . .work.” Meeting Coke’s diversity requirements will also “be a significant factor in determining. . .inclusion and ongoing status on [Coke’s soon-to-be -released] panel” of “preferred firms.”
Except in very limited circumstances, it is illegal for an employer to make hiring, staffing, and assignment decisions based on race. It is also illegal for a company to require its contractors to do so. If a company demanded that law firms staff its matters with only White attorneys, no one would deny the illegality of the mandate.
Ka Ching!
Unless you have activist judges, or judges who have been compromised. Therein lies the rub.
The legislative history of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, especially its famous section 703(j), is clear: it was intended to prohibit reverse discrimination and quotas. The Senate floor leader for the Civil Rights Act, Hubert Humphrey, declared that Title VII “would prohibit preferential treatment for any particular group,” adding famously that if this proved not the case, he would eat the pages of the statute book where the Act appeared.
My Cuba Libres taste fine with RC.
"Alright you motherfuckers, get some blacks in your office now (so we don't have to hire them here at corporate), and paper over our racism in the upper ranks of the company with meaningless busy work. What the fuck do we pay you for if not to make us look virtuous and caring while we rot away the teeth in everyone's mouth! Now get on it, fucking asshole lawyers!"
RC is Freedom, baby.
Coke can go on selling woka-cola to whatever faggots want it.
If you don't understand the difference between cancel-culture and spending my dollars elsewhere, I can't help you.
See, I don't fag out and stop buying Goya beans because their CEO loves Trump or stop buying Coke because of whatever shit they're up to, either.
You social justice warriors can take care of it.
You dopes do what they do and claim it's different. Goya bean boycotters said they were spending their dollars elsewhere - just like you guys.
Totally different when you do it, though.
You hate the left's social justice warriors. But the social justice warrioring the right does is different.