if you follow college football you know what I'm talking about. I'm probably in the minority, but I've been critical of the SEC for almost a decade, and well known for it on that other site.
I have been saying the same thing that Bob Stoops said, for a long time. Throw the national championship winner out the window. That's a cyclical thing. There were plenty other teams from other conferences, NOT INCLUDING SEC TEAMS, during the bcs era who have won the title, and mostly before the BCS (Including Washington). The SEC rarely won titles prior to this "7 year run". The big10 will go on a run, USC will get back. Any of Pete Carroll's good teams could have beat any of the last three Alabama championship teams. The SEC Has benefited from a very poor college football down-cycle. The SEC isn't head over heels better than any other conference long term. Just the last 7 years, their top team has won it, and in one corrupt year, 2 teams played for it (will never forgive that one). Other conferences will rise, traditional powerhouses USC, MICHIGAN, tOSU, Texas, Florida St, maybe even UCLA will rise under Mora.
There's no question every major conference aside from the SEC is in an unprecedented down cycle. I'm not arguing that the SEC isnt the best conference right now, they might be, but that's not been the case in ANY traditional sense.( Because the conference has won the last 7, doesn't mean the conference as a whole is the best) . Sheesh, Oregon missed a field goal, and could have been champions. The big 12, Big10 and the PAC 12 will become relevant again, and the SEC will no longer be so dominant, although ESPN will probably forever think so. Can't wait for a Pac12 team to smack an SEC team in the chops and shut their frigging pie holes.
This is exactly why I didn't want USC to get hammered. It buried the PAC 12 in the eyes of the east coast, it will haunt us come playoff time. the pac-12 will be the last conference to get the team selected, if one at all. Notre Dame will fill our slot.
Bob Stoops is brilliant. he's bringing attention to the big 12 knowing that they dont have a title game. He's posturing for consideration come the 4-team playoff. We all should know that the winner of Texas-oklahoma is getting into the playoff over a pac12 champion, ( If ND is good). I can't stand Bob Stoops and his pouty little bottom lip. Wait till 2014, Everybody west of the Rockies is going to hate him,
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was fresh off SEVEN STRAIGHT!!!!!!
Now back to this new fish, man. I bought him and noticed he had a little bit of a black fin. Shit. I looked it up and my little turd monger has fin rot because Petsmart doesn't take care of their fucking fish. I don't know how long he'll last but he has started making bubble nests in this gigantic 10 gallon tank, man. He's happy as fuck. Now, I love this turd monger, don't get me wrong. What makes me so damn mad is that he had fin rot because they don't take care of their fish. Before you come at me like, "Bruh is he on antibiotics" the answer is yes. I'm not taking this fish back to Petsmart so he can rot more. Damn son. Even if he only lives for another week I can say he died in better conditions.
Now this new fish is badass as fuck and lemme tell you why:
2. He looks like a goddamn sunflower man. Everyone says he's ugly but he's A GODDAMN SUN IN THIS TEN GALLON TANK. BRUH.
3. If I stick a tinier container into the 10 gallon tank, HE JUST SWIMS INTO IT. I carried this fish downstairs. He's fearless. He seemed super excited to go downstairs. Seems like a dog trapped inside a fish's body.
Ayeeee Petsmart employees: please never insult someone's pet. What if I had been a kid? That would have been so shitty.
Oddly enough, I found this little gem when I did a Google image search for lemon party.