Cleaning out a few containers that I forgot about this weekend I found 6 boxes for 240 rounds of 9mm and 3 boxes of .22LR. Mrs Lebam was getting frustrated not being able to find any ammo for her new .22 pistol -
so I had to find the stash to make her feel better.
Cleaning out a few containers that I forgot about this weekend I found 6 boxes for 240 rounds of 9mm and 3 boxes of .22LR. Mrs Lebam was getting frustrated not being able to find any ammo for her new .22 pistol -
so I had to find the stash to make her feel better.
Cleaning out a few containers that I forgot about this weekend I found 6 boxes for 240 rounds of 9mm and 3 boxes of .22LR. Mrs Lebam was getting frustrated not being able to find any ammo for her new .22 pistol -
so I had to find the stash to make her feel better.
so I had to find the stash to make her feel better.