Yup. One son with the middle name Winston and the other Jefferson. Both figures were racists by modern standards. Whatevs. Over the long arc of human history, Churchill, contributed far more to what is good vs that which is evil.
Yup. One son with the middle name Winston and the other Jefferson. Both figures were racists by modern standards. Whatevs. Over the long arc of human history, Churchill, contributed far more to what is good vs that which is evil.
Yup. One son with the middle name Winston and the other Jefferson. Both figures were racists by modern standards. Whatevs. Over the long arc of human history, Churchill, contributed far more to what is good vs that which is evil.
Yellow Snow and the Tug is like Billy Martin and the New York Yankees
Yup. One son with the middle name Winston and the other Jefferson. Both figures were racists by modern standards. Whatevs. Over the long arc of human history, Churchill, contributed far more to what is good vs that which is evil.
Yellow Snow and the Tug is like Billy Martin and the New York Yankees
The remainder goes without saying.
Churchill was at the sunset of the Empire and had nothing to do with their height of racism or as we like to say - world conquest