Its funny. When you read the rat media try to defend this secretive action it all takes on a ridiculous and totally corrupt look. BO and that idiot biden gave the worlds largest exporter of terrorism, a country sworn to eliminate Jews, not just destroy Israel, but eliminate Jews, 400 million dollars in cash, in the middle of the night before the American people could pitch a fit. A country that has repeatedly threatened the United States and supported terrorists who have killed thousands of Americans. BO and that idiot biden secretly flew 400 million in cash to Iran, followed by a 1.1 Billion dollar transfer.
This is so counter intuitive and barren of any common sense it actually blows the mind of any sane intelligent individual. What this represented was pure rat elitism and their hatred of our country. BO and that idiot biden both believe they are mental elites, smarter than the little people. They knew the little people could do nothing after the fact. The justification for this bullshit made less sense than guns for drugs, another rat elitist scam that tragically backfired. Can anyone imagine if it had been Trump's gun for drugs that got American border patrolmen killed? 400 million in the middle of the night to a sworn enemy of the country? The outrage would have been deafening and the impeachment proceedings would have commenced. It truly is amazing what damage the rats will do when they have the press and the power.
In the coming weeks, as that idiot biden tries to justify this Iranian scam, listen to what they say and try to understand it. It makes zero sense and will have tragic consequences but rats and their media will be there to justify and protect.
Its funny. When you read the rat media try to defend this secretive action it all takes on a ridiculous and totally corrupt look. BO and that idiot biden gave the worlds largest exporter of terrorism, a country sworn to eliminate Jews, not just destroy Israel, but eliminate Jews, 400 million dollars in cash, in the middle of the night before the American people could pitch a fit. A country that has repeatedly threatened the United States and supported terrorists who have killed thousands of Americans. BO and that idiot biden secretly flew 400 million in cash to Iran, followed by a 1.1 Billion dollar transfer.
This is so counter intuitive and barren of any common sense it actually blows the mind of any sane intelligent individual. What this represented was pure rat elitism and their hatred of our country. BO and that idiot biden both believe they are mental elites, smarter than the little people. They knew the little people could do nothing after the fact. The justification for this bullshit made less sense than guns for drugs, another rat elitist scam that tragically backfired. Can anyone imagine if it had been Trump's gun for drugs that got American border patrolmen killed? 400 million in the middle of the night to a sworn enemy of the country? The outrage would have been deafening and the impeachment proceedings would have commenced. It truly is amazing what damage the rats will do when they have the press and the power.
In the coming weeks, as that idiot biden tries to justify this Iranian scam, listen to what they say and try to understand it. It makes zero sense and will have tragic consequences but rats and their media will be there to justify and protect.
Its funny. When you read the rat media try to defend this secretive action it all takes on a ridiculous and totally corrupt look. BO and that idiot biden gave the worlds largest exporter of terrorism, a country sworn to eliminate Jews, not just destroy Israel, but eliminate Jews, 400 million dollars in cash, in the middle of the night before the American people could pitch a fit. A country that has repeatedly threatened the United States and supported terrorists who have killed thousands of Americans. BO and that idiot biden secretly flew 400 million in cash to Iran, followed by a 1.1 Billion dollar transfer.
This is so counter intuitive and barren of any common sense it actually blows the mind of any sane intelligent individual. What this represented was pure rat elitism and their hatred of our country. BO and that idiot biden both believe they are mental elites, smarter than the little people. They knew the little people could do nothing after the fact. The justification for this bullshit made less sense than guns for drugs, another rat elitist scam that tragically backfired. Can anyone imagine if it had been Trump's gun for drugs that got American border patrolmen killed? 400 million in the middle of the night to a sworn enemy of the country? The outrage would have been deafening and the impeachment proceedings would have commenced. It truly is amazing what damage the rats will do when they have the press and the power.
In the coming weeks, as that idiot biden tries to justify this Iranian scam, listen to what they say and try to understand it. It makes zero sense and will have tragic consequences but rats and their media will be there to justify and protect.
This is so counter intuitive and barren of any common sense it actually blows the mind of any sane intelligent individual. What this represented was pure rat elitism and their hatred of our country. BO and that idiot biden both believe they are mental elites, smarter than the little people. They knew the little people could do nothing after the fact. The justification for this bullshit made less sense than guns for drugs, another rat elitist scam that tragically backfired. Can anyone imagine if it had been Trump's gun for drugs that got American border patrolmen killed? 400 million in the middle of the night to a sworn enemy of the
country? The outrage would have been deafening and the impeachment proceedings would have commenced. It truly is amazing what damage the rats will do when they have the press and the power.
In the coming weeks, as that idiot biden tries to justify this Iranian scam, listen to what they say and try to understand it. It makes zero sense and will have tragic consequences but rats and their media will be there to justify and protect.
I’m told I’m a “right winger” for comments like this
Hunter probably liked it but still....