Sad. Mark is all over the place these days, pimping GameStop last week as a populist, going full woke this week. At one point was being talked about as a potential Republican nominee before Trump. Now he’s fully in with Xi.
Easy to do this and not get any material backlash when nobody is able to attend games ... notice this came out AFTER 1,500 medical workers attended a game
Is the Anthem a requirement? Probably not.
That said, the Anthem should be a uniter instead of a divider
I don’t think Texas will appreciate it, but Cuban already said his first priority is China.
Whether Cuban believes that or not the NBA definitely has
You’re right that most of Texas won’t be thrilled about the Anthem ... but most of those people aren’t going to a NBA game anyway
Things like this just make me think that the division is so deep that we’ll never be able to pull it back together ...
Now that there is publicity on this, either more NBA teams will join the Mavs or the Mavs will PR the lack of Anthem being tied to COVID in a furious backpedal
Sad. Mark is all over the place these days, pimping GameStop last week as a populist, going full woke this week. At one point was being talked about as a potential Republican nominee before Trump. Now he’s fully in with Xi.
And now it is back at 50, some people got killed on that one
Is the Anthem a requirement? Probably not.
That said, the Anthem should be a uniter instead of a divider
You’re right that most of Texas won’t be thrilled about the Anthem ... but most of those people aren’t going to a NBA game anyway
Things like this just make me think that the division is so deep that we’ll never be able to pull it back together ...
Now that there is publicity on this, either more NBA teams will join the Mavs or the Mavs will PR the lack of Anthem being tied to COVID in a furious backpedal