WHO got no cooperation from the chicoms on examining the Wuhan lab. It's like dems and examination of voter fraud. We looked and found none. Chicoms were doing gain of function experiments on covid viruses in Wuhan and had previous escapes. Given the chicoms hiding of evidence, imprisoning or killing of witnesses pretty easy to determine that the most probable answer is they phu*cked up then intentionally spread it to the world. Gain of function experimentation is banned in the US so Fow Chee sent some money to the chicoms to help them out. Geezus.
When one country counts an auto accident fatality of a Covid positive person as a Covid death, and the other only counts Covid specific deaths (one that had no underlying issues) you tend to get a large variance in the death numbers. Let's also not forget the millions of positive cases China hasn't reported.
Most likely transmitted through a secondary animal, not a bat at the wet market.
Coordinated propoganda.