America still has aircraft carrier superiority, and possibly enough capital to still be alpha for a few more years. China doesn’t have an F22 beater yet. Although according to some experts, all the capital is controlled by ‘the left’, so I guess we’re fucked.
Wait until Biden gets their diverse, underserved pilots in there that pass the loyalty test.
They might even challenge John McCain’s record for crashing multiple aircraft.
More statist, authoritarian bullshit from another Nanny State ideologue. Might as well say Fauci could've prevented Covid altogether, if he just gave a damn about old people.
Same stupid mentality that thinks there must be a rule and answer for everything.
Good thing cavemen had the balls to use trial and error, or humans wouldn't exist today.
They are blaming the bombing in Philly on Reagan? As I recall it was Rat party mayor Wilson Goode who greenlit that decision. Why in the hell is Reagan to blame for that? Other than whitey is to blame for everything.
They are blaming the bombing in Philly on Reagan? As I recall it was Rat party mayor Wilson Goode who greenlit that decision. Why in the hell is Reagan to blame for that? Other than whitey is to blame for everything.
Feel free to criticize Trump all you want, Grundle. Just be fair and accurate.
Same stupid mentality that thinks there must be a rule and answer for everything.
Good thing cavemen had the balls to use trial and error, or humans wouldn't exist today.
Know racist Wilson Goode