Discovery of every single bit of data from every single machine in the country should be interesting as well as every bit of stored data for every election since Dominion began.
So you're hoping that the claims for which no evidence existed will accidentally prove to have been true.
You can make up a story that turns out to be true, Race. It's just unlikely, and supposedly you gals already had the evidence or you wouldn't have made the claims.
You can make up a story that turns out to be true, Race. It's just unlikely, and supposedly you gals already had the evidence or you wouldn't have made the claims.
You can make up a story that turns out to be true, Race. It's just unlikely, and supposedly you gals already had the evidence or you wouldn't have made the claims.
You can make up a story that turns out to be true, Race. It's just unlikely, and supposedly you gals already had the evidence or you wouldn't have made the claims.
Just fucking pathetic
You sound scared already
He sounds pretty confident to me.
Calling men “gals” has been H’s tell for 5 years now when he’s flailing away.
You can make up a story that turns out to be true, Race. It's just unlikely, and supposedly you gals already had the evidence or you wouldn't have made the claims.
You can make up a story that turns out to be true, Race. It's just unlikely, and supposedly you gals already had the evidence or you wouldn't have made the claims.
Just fucking pathetic
You sound scared already
He sounds pretty confident to me.
Calling men “gals” has been H’s tell for 5 years now when he’s flailing away.
You can make up a story that turns out to be true, Race. It's just unlikely, and supposedly you gals already had the evidence or you wouldn't have made the claims.
Just fucking pathetic
You sound scared already
He sounds pretty confident to me.
Calling men “gals” has been H’s tell for 5 years now when he’s flailing away.
Discovery of every single bit of data from every single machine in the country should be interesting as well as every bit of stored data for every election since Dominion began.
So you're hoping that the claims for which no evidence existed will accidentally prove to have been true.
Discovery of every single bit of data from every single machine in the country should be interesting as well as every bit of stored data for every election since Dominion began.
So you're hoping that the claims for which no evidence existed will accidentally prove to have been true.
Forget baseball. That's a Hail Mary.
So you've seen dominions data? No one else has.
I’ve seen the results of hand recounts.
You’ve seen hysterical headlines at gatewaypundit.
Discovery of every single bit of data from every single machine in the country should be interesting as well as every bit of stored data for every election since Dominion began.
So you're hoping that the claims for which no evidence existed will accidentally prove to have been true.
Forget baseball. That's a Hail Mary.
So you've seen dominions data? No one else has.
I’ve seen the results of hand recounts.
You’ve seen hysterical headlines at gatewaypundit.
Discovery of every single bit of data from every single machine in the country should be interesting as well as every bit of stored data for every election since Dominion began.
So you're hoping that the claims for which no evidence existed will accidentally prove to have been true.
Forget baseball. That's a Hail Mary.
So you've seen dominions data? No one else has.
I’ve seen the results of hand recounts.
You’ve seen hysterical headlines at gatewaypundit.
Discovery of every single bit of data from every single machine in the country should be interesting as well as every bit of stored data for every election since Dominion began.
So you're hoping that the claims for which no evidence existed will accidentally prove to have been true.
Forget baseball. That's a Hail Mary.
So you've seen dominions data? No one else has.
I’ve seen the results of hand recounts.
You’ve seen hysterical headlines at gatewaypundit.
Forget baseball. That's a Hail Mary.
You sound scared already
Fuck off, teenager.
You’ve seen hysterical headlines at gatewaypundit.