Smart investment. When you play six games in a 46,000 seat stadium and scan 139,000 tickets, while giving away buy-one-get-one-free tickets, the thing you really need is $150 million of stadium upgrades. That’s the only thing that has been holding people back from going to the games, the shitty grandstand.
Oregon State’s Potato Salad Stadium, showing the good side of the stadium which would have more fans if they didn’t have to look at the eyesore on the other side. Photo credit: Richard Feces, Ass. Press
Smart investment. When you play six games in a 46,000 seat stadium and scan 139,000 tickets, while giving away buy-one-get-one-free tickets, the thing you really need is $150 million of stadium upgrades. That’s the only thing that has been holding people back from going to the games, the shitty grandstand.
Oregon State’s Potato Salad Stadium, showing the good side of the stadium which would have more fans if they didn’t have to look at the eyesore on the other side. Photo credit: Richard Feces, Ass. Press
Your photo source is a guy whose last name is Feces? Nice.
Smart investment. When you play six games in a 46,000 seat stadium and scan 139,000 tickets, while giving away buy-one-get-one-free tickets, the thing you really need is $150 million of stadium upgrades. That’s the only thing that has been holding people back from going to the games, the shitty grandstand.
Oregon State’s Potato Salad Stadium, showing the good side of the stadium which would have more fans if they didn’t have to look at the eyesore on the other side. Photo credit: Richard Feces, Ass. Press
Smart investment. When you play six games in a 46,000 seat stadium and scan 139,000 tickets, while giving away buy-one-get-one-free tickets, the thing you really need is $150 million of stadium upgrades. That’s the only thing that has been holding people back from going to the games, the shitty grandstand.
Oregon State’s Potato Salad Stadium, showing the good side of the stadium which would have more fans if they didn’t have to look at the eyesore on the other side. Photo credit: Richard Feces, Ass. Press
I’ll bring my bib.
Shall we say a Saturday in September, since the odds are that ass won’t be in a bleacher that day?
Miss getting Jermar Jefferson.
Smart investment. When you play six games in a 46,000 seat stadium and scan 139,000 tickets, while giving away buy-one-get-one-free tickets, the thing you really need is $150 million of stadium upgrades. That’s the only thing that has been holding people back from going to the games, the shitty grandstand.
Oregon State’s Potato Salad Stadium, showing the good side of the stadium which would have more fans if they didn’t have to look at the eyesore on the other side. Photo credit: Richard Feces, Ass. Press
I’ll bring my bib.
Shall we say a Saturday in September, since the odds are that ass won’t be in a bleacher that day?