He says more opportunities need to exist for women, transgendered and the disabled... How are they being denied opportunities?
I'm sorry but the transgendered thing is where all the limp-wristed scarftards absolutely lose me. You want to argue gay and lesbians are born that way? Sure, I can buy that. But by definition you're not born transgendered (hermaphroditic is a different thing). If you are a dude who wants to have a surgery and call yourself a woman, knock yourself out. But I'm under no obligation to pretend you're a woman and sports leagues that are exclusively for woman expressly because men have genetic advantages are under no obligation to include you and your Y chromosome just because you chopped off your dick.
Emmert should just go have surgery to be a jewfin and get it over with.
He says more opportunities need to exist for women, transgendered and the disabled... How are they being denied opportunities?
I'm sorry but the transgendered thing is where all the limp-wristed scarftards absolutely lose me. You want to argue gay and lesbians are born that way? Sure, I can buy that. But by definition you're not born transgendered (hermaphroditic is a different thing). If you are a dude who wants to have a surgery and call yourself a woman, knock yourself out. But I'm under no obligation to pretend you're a woman and sports leagues that are exclusively for woman expressly because men have genetic advantages are under no obligation to include you and your Y chromosome just because you chopped off your dick.
Emmert should just go have surgery to be a jewfin and get it over with.
If your going to be gay or lesbian fine. But if you're going to be transgendered you're gone.
He says more opportunities need to exist for women, transgendered and the disabled... How are they being denied opportunities?
I'm sorry but the transgendered thing is where all the limp-wristed scarftards absolutely lose me. You want to argue gay and lesbians are born that way? Sure, I can buy that. But by definition you're not born transgendered (hermaphroditic is a different thing). If you are a dude who wants to have a surgery and call yourself a woman, knock yourself out. But I'm under no obligation to pretend you're a woman and sports leagues that are exclusively for woman expressly because men have genetic advantages are under no obligation to include you and your Y chromosome just because you chopped off your dick.
Emmert should just go have surgery to be a jewfin and get it over with.
Why do you hate Brittney Griner? Seriously, if she was running down the court and a big cock fell out, would you be surprised? Not me...
Emmert should just go have surgery to be a jewfin and get it over with.
I thought it was namby "pamby" shit. Huh....who knew?
One could argue that Tripper Johnson was disabled
Why do you hate Brittney Griner? Seriously, if she was running down the court and a big cock fell out, would you be surprised? Not me...
More evidence that the NCAA's downfall is partially tied to Emmert
The opportunity is door, ass, OUT!
Gloves are off.