It's over for me. After partying my balls off for 5 days in Vail, I came home and tested positive for the Vid.
Can we put a GPS tracker on you so we FINALLY know where the bodies stacked like cordwood are stored?
There was a video on Twitter about funeral homes being overwhelmed in Los Angeles. I clicked and got 9 minutes of some babe saying they were overwhelmed but not one photo or video of it
Like all year in other words.
We live in an era where it has to be on video. That's why the media shows the same 5 seconds of the "insurrection" over and over again. Back when CNN was racist after a hurricane they showed the same Black guy with a TV set over and over again.
Like all year in other words.
We live in an era where it has to be on video. That's why the media shows the same 5 seconds of the "insurrection" over and over again. Back when CNN was racist after a hurricane they showed the same Black guy with a TV set over and over again.
Butt no stacked bodies. That's a tell