The video was unavailable Bob but it looked like it was going to be good. BTW, can I be arrested for making fun of these dipshits or would I have had to trick them into not voting for Captain Pike?
The video was unavailable Bob but it looked like it was going to be good. BTW, can I be arrested for making fun of these dipshits or would I have had to trick them into not voting for Captain Pike?
You can watch it, but you have to watch it on YouTube.
Ha ha ha. The entertainment value is priceless. The interpretive dance was riveting but the singing by the drop acid, drop out, starve with no money, go back to school at 30 for a women's study degree crowd in Seattle was the icing on the cake!
Holy shit. Watched it on YouTube. I watched something just like this first hand in Calaveras County where these fuctards destroyed my family and $7mm. Fuck these assholes. That freak in the too small Seahawks t-shirt needs be punched in the face.