Dug why don't you take a stand against that Fuck hole you continue to frequent? Don't get it brother . Put your foot down once and for all. Invite your pals over, let it be known to kim why and bomb the fucking joint. HHB is the place to be no doubt. Either you're on the train or your left at the station.
Dug why don't you take a stand against that Fuck hole you continue to frequent? Don't get it brother . Put your foot down once and for all. Invite your pals over, let it be known to kim why and bomb the fucking joint. HHB is the place to be no doubt. Either you're on the train or your left at the station.
Puppy, I've been banned too many times to count and kim always scolded me over how many fake complaints he's had about me. Haven't been a member for a while now but someone on here was gracious enough to let me use a friend of a friend's password so I could witness the dumpster fire myself.
Dug why don't you take a stand against that Fuck hole you continue to frequent? Don't get it brother . Put your foot down once and for all. Invite your pals over, let it be known to kim why and bomb the fucking joint. HHB is the place to be no doubt. Either you're on the train or your left at the station.
Aren't you the one opening a new thread every day to talk about something you saw on dawgman?
People that call the cold or flu The Crud simply need to slit their throats.
Yes, it was funny the first 23 times, but now not so much. We don't like to patrol these boards, but I'm getting complaints in my inbox. Post about the crud on this higher level bored once and we'll move it to the crud bored. Post about the crud here a second time and you'll be made more invisible than Aandy and Bleenor for the month of January (and Jood since Nov 18).
Simple fact.
--Kirk Jones