“Republicans Are Better than That” – GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Blames Trump for DC Rioting Earlier in Week — Then Calls Rep. Marjorie Greene to Disagree with Her on Biden Impeachment
With friends like Kevin McCarthy and the GOP elites, who needs enemies? GOP Minority leader Kevin McCarthy told House members on Wednesday that President Trump “bears responsibility” for the Capitol riots on January 6th.”
One of President Trump’s greatest accomplishments was outing the faux Republicans that care more about invitations to Georgetown Cocktail Parties and their personal power and enrichment than the American People........we have the roadmap & know the names.
The pathetic leftists that are triggered by someone referring to people with the wrong pronoun have no fucking problem referring to the disabled with Down’s syndrome as “mongoloid idiots. You are pathetic disabled hating hypocrites
Oh and way to pick on those that can't defend themselves HH.
Sure he didn't, faggot.
Only a buttfucker would make that claim.
Would you haters of the disabled refer to a friends Down Syndrome child as aMongoloid idiot. You are a pathetic coward.